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If you guys are bored, you can check out my other books or go to AO3 where I have some anime fanfics. I'm shamelessly advertising here!! XD  okay but truth to be told, most of the stories there are mature, so don't be too alarmed.

You can search for my username fanfic_originals, and you can see my books. It's all BL, fite me!

I do update my books there once a month because they are all pretty long, about 1500 words so yea. You have plenty of content to read. XD it is all anime (or manhwa/manga/manhua) so if you love it, that's great!!


"Urm Jimin, what happened?" Jin asked as the boys all stare at Jimin in shocked. Those red strains are definitely blood, they could tell.

"Oh, I ran into Jung Su who armed a bomb at Korea's most busy train station. I went to disarm the bomb." Jimin shrugged as he removed the blood stained shirt and removed the knife holder that is held to his waist. "So how did you guys handle the body of Jung Gin? I hope it is taken care of." Jimin  asks but without any emotion.

After all the pain caused to him because of that man even though, it wasn't his fault.

He took the knife out of the holder and dipped it into hydrogen peroxide. "Yea we did but you really should have brought us along, hyung. It is so dangerous." Jungkook rushed over.

"I think I'm very fine." Jimin shrugged as he removed his shirt and put it to soak in a bucket of water and detergent. He then went upstairs to change into something. All the guys just looked at him wide eyed.

"Urm, did anyone see that scar he has on his chest? And not to mention the amount of tattoos he has?" Taehyung asks as he stare at the door Jimin disappeared into with his mouth agape.

"I'm pretty sure that is the mark that Jung Su's man has. Was he one of them?" Hoseok folded his arms. There is so much the boys didn't know about Jimin.

"Was his past a lie he told us? Was it all just a hoax?" Namjoon asks. The boys don't even know how to answer that question.

The boys went about their day in a daze, shocked that Jimin would do something this scary. They really want to know him better, after all those years they weren't there with him. Things seem to have gotten out of hand, how did Jimin get this bad?

It seemed like the whole day before Jimin actually left the office with his usual smile, a black shirt and pants together with his black coat. "You guys look so down. Wanna talk to me about it?" Jimin waltz into the hall where the boys have been sitting in for the past half hour.

"Jimin, what happened while we weren't by your side? Did you have a rough time? What did you do to yourself?" Jin asked.

Jimin sighed. He scratches the back of his head, contemplating whether to tell them the truth. "Maybe it isn't the right time yet. I'll tell you guys soon enough alright?" Jimin smiled wryly. It isn't that he wants to keep his friends in the dark but his past, is not one that should be revealed so easily.

Yoongi went over to hug Jimin. "It's okay, you can always tell us when you're ready. We are not here to pressure you." Yoongi's calm and comforting words just seem to let Jimin smile a little.

"Thank you hyung. Oh right, I'm returning to mt apartment tonight so I'll let you guys decide if you want to stay here, or go back." Jimin says.

The boys thought for a while before deciding to go back instead. Jimin called the prison and the boys will be brought back.

Truth to be told, the boys chose to go back because they need a place where Jimin wouldn't be able to hear what they are about to do.

The guards came and took the boys away, Jimin could only see them off with a sad expression before he return to his apartment that he haven't returned to for months.

"Sigh, being home sure is nice for a change." Jimin sighed as he walks through his apartment doors. It was a mess, dust were collected. "Looks like I should do a little bit of clean up." Jimin left his stuff on the couch and started cleaning.

The last few weeks have been so hectic that cleaning once in a while seem to calm his messed up mind down slightly.

After cleaning up, he sat down and flipped open a photo book, memories just flood in, like a movie that is showing in a theatre.

"Hey, I'm sorry, is this seat taken?"

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