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Jimin stood in the secret room that is connected to his office, preparing his tools. Yes tools. The boys have yet leave so Taehyung stood behind him. "You have to stop." Taehyung speaks. "Why are you so against it? You weren't this vocal when the rest of them killed Jung Gin." Jimin turns around to face Taehyung.

"They killed one person, they did not take any innocent lives like what you are going to do." Taehyung couldn't emanate more hate than that moment right there. "You're standing in my way, Tae." Jimin used the nickname he used to use.

"You have no such right to use that nickname, Jimin. You have lost the right." Taehyung glares at Jimin. "That look looks very good on you. All that hatred and the pain worn on your face. It's a nice change from your usual smile and cheer." Jimin has a smirk on his face as he scans Taehyung from top to toe.

"You know I think the officers wouldn't mind if I have you killed, right here right now." Jimin mentions as he brings his newly polished knife up towards the light. It reflects the light, glinting, it's like its the ultimate weapon for evil.

Taehyung stares wide eyed at Jimin. Did his best friend just said he wanted to kill him? He can't believe his ears at all. How could this all happen? "Kill me then." Taehyung challenges. "As you wish." Jimin walks over to Taehyung with a calm smile on his face. The knife is gripped loosely in his fist.

"I would like to give you painless death, but I really can't be bothered with that." Jimin mutters just as he reaches the spot right in front of Taehyung. The knife went in, swift. It knocked the air of Taehyung's chest, the force.

Jimin twists the knife that is stuck in his abdomen and a immense pain shoots up his spine. "Don't worry. You won't live long." Jimin mutters as he held Taehyung's body up.

Taehyung could feel his consciousness slipping. He can't believe this day would come. The day he is killed by his best friend. Wait this timeline is really really weird. Best friend? Who?

Taehyung feels like his consciousness is being pulled somewhere. "Don't worry. I'll end your suffering now." Jimin's voice sounded sad. What could he possibly mean? Taehyung couldn't understand at the moment.

"What the hell Jimin! What did you fucking do?" Those were the last words he hears before completely slipping away. Where was he headed now?

"Oh my god! We need to bring him to the hospital!" Jin is freaking out as he sees the pool of blood by the floor. "Don't bother. He is a goner." Jimin laughed, slightly crazy and out of character. The boys look at Jimin bewildered.

"What the fucking hell, Jimin! How could you do this to your best friend?" Jin is throwing himself at Jimin. The older will not stand for anyone who hurts his friends. "This is necessary. You will understand when your time comes." Jimin says as he calmly wipes the blood on the white cloth he is carrying.

"Understand what? Understand that you just killed you best friend? You are the worst." Jungkook spat as he held the wounded and warm body of Taehyung.

Namjoon looked into Jimin's eyes. It is like he knows something that the rest of them doesn't. What is it? What does Jimin know that the rest of them doesn't? What is the key information that they lack? Why did he kill Taehyung?

There are no answers to all these questions running through the leader's head. "Your ride is here. Please go back and I'll see you tomorrow." Jimin says as the sound of the horn is heard from downstairs. The boys left the room. Taehyung's body laid there lifelessly. Jimin decided to cremate the body.

He opens a special compartment where there is a small modern cremator that uses electricity instead of fire. He places the body inside and switches on the machine. This is the first time he is doing this, it doesn't matter. He has been stuck here.


Taehyung open his eyes and in front of him stood a familiar face. "You have finally come to, Dr Kim. The subject seemed to have killed you." A very robotic voice spoke.

His memories are slowly coming back, his original memories. "What the hell are they doing?" He mutters under the breath as he grabs his coat and leaves the room he is in to go see Jimin.


So the truth of things are slowly getting revealed. :)

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