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Jimin went back to his own office. The boys heard the doors close but they didn't see Hoseok come out. Jay decided that he should go fetch his brother.

When he opened the doors, he was shocked, it was completely dark, then he heard sobbing. He took out his phone to use his flashlight.

He saw his twin sitting there on the chair, his knees brought close to his chest and he cried. It is the first time he ever saw his own brother cry, ever since that incident.

If you're asking what incident, well thats a story for another time.

Jay walked over to his brother, keeping his phone, he lifted his brother up and carried him downstairs. He sat down and placed his brother on his lap.

"Did Jimin do this?" Jin asked as he came back with snacks from the pantry, which wasn't a lot.

"I'm not sure, if he did, I'm impressed." Suga commented.

None of the people there cried easily. It was hard to know what scares them most, especially if they are criminals and they kill others for their own fun.

"Don't you guys find him abnormal? I mean look at him, he literally made Hoseok cry for god knows what reason. There must be a problem." Taehyung pointed to Jimin's office door which suddenly opened, shocking Taehyung, he quickly brought his arm back.

Jimin had 6 bottles of pills in his hands as he walked towards the boys.

"Here, these are prescribed by the government, please take them regularly, they will help you." Jimin said and he was holding a file, Jin's file, "Jin you're next."

Jimin walked ahead, this time, to a different room. Jin was about to follow but was stopped by Yoongi, "Hyung, be careful."

Jin nodded and followed where Jimin had gone. This time the room wasn't pitch black but blood red, there was a small light that hung from the ceiling, lighting the place up.

Jimin was already seated on one of the chairs, his fingers gently flipping through the pages, seeming like he had not noticed Jin's presence.

Jin decided not to make a sound and stood at the door frame. "Please take a seat." Jimin didn't even look up to see Jin, he just kept his eyes casted down on the floor.

Jin slowly but surely made his way to the seat and sat down waiting for any questions that Jimin might throw at him, but it was quiet.

Not a single down was heard, it was simply pin drop silence.

"Did you make Hoseok cry?" Jin broke the silence with the question he is dying to know the answer of.

"Did I? I only asked questions, not much I could actually do, I didn't even touch him." Jimin looked up.

Now he had spectacles on, his eyes hiding behind the screen of the glass.

"Are you trying to break us, like those officers?" Jin asked, he was getting a little furious, seeing the blood red room isn't helping at all.

"No of course not. Look, I'm the one who asks the questions here in this room. So, how's prison?" Jimin's tone became harder.

It made Jin gulp, the duality of the psychiatrist who claims to be crazy himself is a little scary. He just nodded before proceeding to answer the questions.

"You know, it's funny to see your confidence crumbling, Jin. I saw the bold scars you put on your victims, but now you're cracking under me?" Jimin was mocking him, mocking Jin and all his methods.

"I am confident! Who are you to say that I'm not confident at all. Just you see, I will show you that I'm definitely confident." Jin raged.

Jimin just has a way with words that just seem to press the right buttons to make you rage. Jimin stared at Jin with a triumph look as he noted all the things Jin had said.

Jimin nodded slightly.

"Sure go ahead. So you really have good hiding skills, all the corpses found were at least a week old or older. You wouldn't be here if you hid it better you know." Jimin said, his voice back to monotone, his eyes glued to the file that is in his hand.

"I know what I do alright! Stop attacking me like this! You're supposed to side with me! You're me doctor! Stop attacking me with all these words!" Jin screamed and shouted.

Jimin was sure the boys were rushing up the stairs to this room right now. Jimin sighed, he found another problem with his patients.

One with Hoseok and one with Jin.

This wasn't supposed to happen but he was glad he did, Jimin likes the power he has over his patients, slowly nipping away at the shell they build up, pushing them over the edge of crazy.

Jimin liked it all.

There the door slammed open, Yoongi rushed in first to hug Jin. He received glares for everyone in the room. He can't help but smirk internally.

He knew of the games they want to play, he is just making the first move and see what they would actually do to him.

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