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Take care of yourselves amid the covid-19 pandemic (a little too late to announce that it is a pandemic though).💜


The days pass in a flash, nothing too interesting happening. Jimin stopped his treatment for the boys at the moment and they just have meals together every day. It was Monday already. The day the boys are most worried about.

They were currently at the table and the boys were having breakfast. "I might have to send you guys back today." Jimin drops the bomb. Yea the sentence that the boys dreaded hearing the past few days.

"Why not keep us here? We can help you with Jung Gin." Jungkook suggested, well more like said since they will stay by force if needed.

"I guess it is safer for me if you guys were here but, I can't let you take the risk. They are crazy brothers." Jimin says as he place the cutlery he was holding down.

"Well after this, come to my office. I'll stop with the room treatment and we can just talk." Jimin finished and left for his office. The boys all started discussing on how to knock Jimin out.


"Tell me what I want to know." Jung Su said in a soft and threatening voice as he grabs the throat of the man in front of him.

Struggling to breathe, the man choked out, "I really don't know anything." After hearing this, Jung Su smashed the man's head to the concrete floor. The man went unconscious and blood pooled under his head.

"Get rid of him, I have no use for him any more." Jung Su instructed and sat on the chair with a wine glass in his hand.

When he was alone he stared at the red wine in his glass, fantasising about what could be inside the glass instead of some good red wine. He places the glass down and flips through some papers.

He has been at it for days, kidnapping people to get information for his plans to work. If they don't have it, he would have him killed.

"Jung Su, I'm going to Jimin's." Jung Gin says. He was wearing a blue short sleeved button up with knee length shorts.

"Now?" Jung Su asked a little confused. Jung Gin just nodded and left the room without letting his brother say anything.

Jung Gin takes one of the many cars they own and head over to Jimin's place.

"One of you! Follow him there!" Jung Su rush to give the order not wanting his brother to head over alone. He wants to know everything, he has to.

"Yes sir!" One of the men shouted and rushed to the garage to get a car and tail behind Jung Gin. If course Jung Gin knew this was going to happen, he makes sure to speed towards the building so he is not caught.


"Shit, is he out?" Namjoon asks as he looks over Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook bends down to check on Jimin.

"Seems like he is out." Jungkook says as he easily picks the older up and heads towards the bedrooms. Jungkook was the last of the 6 to talk to jimin so he was given the responsibility to knock the older out before anything happens.

"He is coming soon right?" Jin asks as he starts preparing lunch for some reason. "Yea he is. Why are you so concerned?" Yoongi enters the kitchen to help out with the preparation of lunch.

"This isn't good at all." Hoseok mutters. Taehyung looks over with a confused expression, what could be going wrong at this point. "This is not good at all." Hoseok says again. Taehyung cant help but feel a little uneasy about Hoseok's behaviour.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung can't help but ask. The dark look that Hoseok sends him, sent chills down his back.

"Nothing." A simple answer instills fear into Taehyung's system.


"What the hell is this? Can't you even do a simple job of following my brother out? You stupid waste of space! Get lost!" Jung Su shouted.

No one knew where he brother went and he didn't like it. He doesn't trust anyone's words, not even his own brother's. "Fuck!" He screamed as he threw his wine glass across the room. It shattered into pieces with a loud crash.

His men rushed in to see what had happened but was only met with their furious boss.

Jung Su calmed himself down before walking to his men. Standing at attention and afraid to move. Jung Su circled them with a knife in his hand.

"Do you know how mad am I?" He asked. Well it was a rhetorical question so no one made a peep.

"You cant get information for me and you cant even tail my brother. What are you good for nothings doing?" A calm voice that can definitely make anyone freeze.

He held a knife close to the neck of one of the men, specifically the one he told to follow Jung Gin but failed.

"Ahhh you, you are the one who failed to follow instructions." The cold metal burning his skin like fire. Trembling and scared for his life, he stood there frozen. Going against Jung Su now is the worst anyone can do.

"Do you know how mad am I?" The knife dug slightly into the skin, drawing blood. "Do you know!" Jung Su ram the knife deep into the person's shoulder. Blood splatter every where the the open wound pulsed. The bone protruded out of the open wound.

Some pieces of meat was stuck on the knife as it pulled out. It may have even snagged on a few organs but Jung so couldn't care less.

"Bring him to the hospital." Jung Su said and sat back down on his chair. He doesn't bother wiping away the blood. He likes it in a weird way.

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