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I really hate this job, I hate it so much. My parents pushed me into this line of work, saying it pays well and stuff but I'd rather dance.

I placed my bag onto the passenger seat before switching on my engine when I saw someone drop right in front of me.

I killed my engine and immediately walked out of my car. I looked at the body in front of me. It was, it was Hyonwu. I quickly brought my phone out and called for the ambulance. I looked up and saw the police officer standing there with a stoic expression.

I remember he was struggling a lot before falling right in front of my car. I knew he was pushed. If he wanted to kill himself, he would have when he had killed whoever he had killed.

I know like how would I know right, he isn't a mass killer, killed his own best friend and his wife. Caught cheating blah blah blah, he was regretful but the anger just doesn't fade away.

Obviously I know he is dead falling from a 10 story office-like building.

"Hyonwu..." I muttered before taking my valuables and entering the building and walked to my office. I took out Hyonwu's medical file and stamped it with a deceased stamp before filing it.

He had only seen me for 3 months and now he is gone, all because of that police officer.

"You know what they say, police officers are the only legal mafias in this world." I muttered under my breath and pack my stuff once again. This officer making me do double jobs.

I'll get him arrested anyway. I walked to the security post before asking them to look at the footage from C35.

"Just look out for the officer, he had pushed his prisoner down the building just now." I said before going out again.

The body long gone, the police were taking pictures and taking notes if the crime scene. They also asked for my in-car footage so I said I'll send it to them once I access my laptop at home.

I reached my apartment, basically ramming the door down before plopping on my sofa in the living room. My parents are rich but I live alone so, I keep everything minimalistic.

The door clicked shut behind me and I turned my body to say right side up on the sofa. My bag thrown across the floor and my shoes were still on my feet.

I sat up properly and took them off, placing them side by side at one side of my living room.

I live alone, I don't have any reason not to anyway, plus I probably can't stand another human being in my house, my privacy is compromised.

I opened the door to close the metal gate before locking it then closed the door once again, locking it as well.

I turned on my television to watch the news, the newscaster was talking about Hyonwu's jump. Well obviously the police still thinking it is suicide.

"How could they do this? After all it is still a human life but you decide to cover your asses from such mistakes." I mumbled under my breath.

Authority does not hold justice, they only try to cover up their illegal methods so that no one would ever find out their dark secrets.

Working for the government myself, since the institute helps with those killers, I know some disgusting insights about the government which makes me lose respect for them.

I sighed before flipping through the channels not wanting to watch that depressing news again.

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