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"Just stay here for a bit. I have some stuff to do then I'll talk to you guys." Jimin said and went up to his office. Now alone in his own office, Jimin took the medicine to push whatever was forcing it's way to come out, down.

He sat there head buried in his hands and waited for the medication to take effect. Jimin knew Jin saw something in him that's why he jumped away from him. "It's getting a little out of control." Jimin mutters as he looked at his phone.

There is a message from Jung Su.

Jung Su:
Getting out of control already? Come back to me, I'm sure my doctors can help you with this problem, after all I was the one who planted it into you.

Jimin switched off his phone and placed it to the side, screen down. Jimin takes steady breaths and clear his mind to ease the pain slightly. When the pain finally subsides, Jimin slumped onto his chair.

He used to be able to keep it under control because he was still under Jung Su a few years ago until he dropped the job and left to work professionally with the government. Jimin thought it was the end of thing.

Jimin wipe the sweat that is on his forehead before he leaves his office with his smile and clipboard. He could easily say that the 6 boys are all stable and let them leave the place. They didn't need treatment at all, Jimin could tell.

Does he even have any need for them? He doesn't know but he is keeping them close to him for some reason.

Jimin sighs internally and made his way to the common area where the boys are. They seem more wary and more sharp, ready to catch any slight changes in body language.

Jimin kept his smile up, kept his perfect posture to fool the boys in front of him. "You should know that there isn't much I can do. You are all sane. You did this so you can meet me again right?" Jimin knew from the start and that is why he kept on rejecting them from the start.

Seeing them would only generate ideas and not the good kind. The boys kept quiet, they know they are fine and sane, the law just deem them not so sane just because they killed some people that aren't even important.

"I should send you guys back and deem you all as cured. They would probably let you guys out earlier as well." Despite them being convicted for murder, the government isn't allowed to confine them for life. There were protests about human rights and about life-long sentence, the maximum became only 10 years of imprisonment.

"Something is wrong with you, isn't it?" Jungkook speaks up, eyes firm as he stared at Jimin. Everyone is looking at him with very strong gazes, except Yoongi who is just lying around on the couch with his eyes closed.

"What could be wrong with me? I would have to pass a test to be counselling murderers and law breakers of the more extreme spectrum." Jimin smiles sweetly. The boys don't buy it. They never did whenever Jimin is concerned. Jimin has always been very good at hiding his true emotions.

Still the gazes of the 5 boys never left him. "You don't have to hide behind a mask Jimin, after all we have known you when we were younger. It is no different now, we can still read you like a book." Yoongi says, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"You're not Jimin. You're someone else." Taehyung whispers, but because it was so quiet, everyone heard it. Jimin bit his lips. "What are you saying? I am definitely Jimin. I may have changed over the years but I'm still Jimin." Jimin is somewhat desperate. Trust is important.

"Who are you?" Namjoon asks.

Jimin asks himself that all the time, who is he? He can't seem to get a very definitive answer from himself. He never got to the end of the question as well, despite being only 3 words, they suddenly seem so hard to pronounce and to understand.

"I'm Park Jimin of course. You're all so silly. I'm just doing my job, keeping private and work matters separate." This was the best excuse Jimin could come up with.

They boys didn't buy it but dropped the topic nonetheless.

Who am I? So simple yet at the same time so complexed. It is as if his mind just refuses to give him the answer he needs.

Who am I? Everything just seem to float in and out of his mind so easily. They don't retain things and he cant help it.

Who am I? Just some person on the street that doesn't even matter because there is more than 7 billion people in the world and one drop is nothing compared to the multitudes of drops in the ocean.


Love me! Because I wrote this on a Monday morning after just waking up. Sorry if there are any errors or inconsistencies. I'm probably not awake, but even when I'm awake I still have mistakes so it doesn't make a huge difference between sleepy and awake.

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