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Jimin took the bottle and rushed back to his room. The door cracked open and Jay laid there lifeless. A bullet shot to his head. The guards just stood there unmoving.

"That's it! I'm quitting this goddamn job." Jimin screamed and walked to his room. He even smashed the bottle of ointment onto the floor. All the guards were shocked at the volume at those words that were spoken. The sound of glass shattering, was new.

Jimin packed his items that laid in his office and stacked up the files holding them in one hand while the other held the box to all his belongings. He walked to his boss's office, once again not knocking, he placed his resignation letter on the table.

"I won't take no for an answer, please reassign these patients." He placed the remaining 8 files on his table, "Please do the paper work for the patient who just died." He placed another file on his table away from the stack.

"I won't be turning up for work anymore. I meant what I said Mr Boss man. Since you didn't listen to what I had said, I'm leaving this place. 2 killings and you expect me to stay? No." Jimin said and left the place and walked to his car, on his way out he bumped into a really tall guy.

"Oh sorry." Jimin said before rushing out of the place. He is feeling himself going crazy with all these bullshit happening.

He drove back home. He found a place, big enough to house patients in it, he actually bought it a few years ago when he was still in school. He took a loan.

In less than a year, staying in a very small apartment, he paid off the loans, also working at a café in the first few years. Mainly due to the bonus he gets for taking patients.

He easily paid off, well it wasn't in a crowded place and isn't too popular so he got it pretty cheaply, also he got a huge discount for working under the government — that's probably the only perk.

"Should I try to transfer all the patients to my place instead?" Jimin sighed as he let his face rest on his palms. He knows it would be extremely difficult.

Anyone who isn't a psychiatrist or an officer steps inside that building that was his job, isn't safe.

He will open the place he got tomorrow, no doubt not as classy as his previous job, he will build it up to the best that he can.

He took some of his papers and drove himself to the building that is fully equipped with furniture and all.

He walked in and placed his papers into his room, the one he had picked to be his office. He already sent an email to the government to potentially transfer all the patients at his previous place here.

He might have to fill up his schedule for the patients/criminals there but he doesn't care. They aren't treated fairly there. Jimin is starting to wonder just how stupid the government is, not noticing the murders and shit, or they just covering up their asses.

He posted on his social media about the move which got wide spread, due to his good looks, popularity and reputation.

He will have to prepare himself for the surge of people now because he is kinda acting as a private clinic. He doesn't know if the government want to enter into his current paradise and make it hell for him.

He sighed as he sat at the foyer of the building. The serenity of his surroundings just seep into his bone and slowly let him relax in peace for once.

Ever since the ownership has been changed, he can't ever live in peace because his damn boss is barging in telling him to take this patient that patient.

He was just sitting there doing nothing, when a ding from his phone sounded. It was an email from the government.

6 names on the list. They would be transferred here first, it was the 6 names he rejected. Jimin sighed and placed his phone down, not even bothering to reply and continue to enjoy this peace he is feeling.

Crazy | bts x JiminWhere stories live. Discover now