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If you think i am rushing my ending here, yes I am. Reason being, my exams are coming and it's bad. So I'm gonna finish this book before my exams and finish the surprise after exams.

Remember the surprise part okay? I'll announce it after I finish the book.


The six boys sat in a meeting room that had been provided to them. "Why don't we release him? He wants it so much." Jungkook leaned back. They all did some thinking alone to do something about Jimin.

"Are you insane? That guy literally killed us without remorse. Even if it isn't real, it's too dangerous." Namjoon exclaimed. Actually all of them only remembered how they were killed in "dream-land".

"I don't understand. Who sent him here?" Yoongi asked as he flipped through the documents.

"His parents." Taehyung sighed.

"Why?" Hoseok looked over at Taehyung.

"I don't really know the real reason since I took over him from my mentor. He told me that Jimin was too violent and often hurt others around him." Taehyung mutters but is loud enough for all of them to hear.

"What?" Hoseok looks at Taehyung with eyes wide. Then the red alert starts blaring. "Never mind that. We will talk about all of this later." Taehyung said. All of them stood up and rushed out the door. Outside, they saw Jimin being held down some trained personnel the government hired.

Jimin is currently being shocked by them.

The pain that is supposed to be experienced, is not represented by the look on his face. Jimin is actually smiling through the pain. "Stop that." Taehyung calls out.

They stop, but Jimin is still held to the floor. "What happened?" Jin asked. "He escaped his room and attacked the people he saw with this pen." One of them said, holding out a blue pen case.

"They are all sent to the infirmary to treat their injuries. He managed to stab them really hard with this blunt thing." Another spoke up and the boys finally realised how dangerous Jimin actually is.

"Put him into that cell." Jin says. The men picked Jimin up and brought him to where Jin has instructed.

"Is that really necessary Jin?" Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose before glaring at the older. Jin rolled his eyes, "You got a better idea? Look at him. He is completely out of control."

"There are other ways to handle this!" Namjoon shouted, "He has been through so much pain and you're only going to put him in more? Are you fucking insane? You're only going to push him further into the place of no return."

"Calm down guys, this isn't the time for this. Let's go check on him." Jungkook tried his best to calm down the older two before making his way to wherever Jimin had been brought to.

It is a dark room, no light at all. Jimin's screams travelled to their ears as he is shocked every few minutes and the voltage only gets higher.

Jungkook switched off the switch for the voltage.

The screaming ceased but soon the laughter starts. "You know, I was really enjoying that." Jimin says before continuing his laughter.

"I think he have really gone bonkers." Yoongi comments.

"He is 10/10 but I don't recommend." Hoseok sighs.

Yoongi raised his brow at Hoseok's sentence, "What?"

The boys just look at Jimin. Jimin's hair completely disheveled, shirtless and sweat is rolling down his body. The pants slightly burnt due to the voltage. His eyes deeply sunken, clearly not sleeping well. His hands and legs are being bound to chains.

"You treated him the same way, didn't you? Now he just works like a machine for you right?" Jimin screamed.

They all looked at Jimin with confused looks. "What is he talking about?" Jungkook voices out the question that is in all if their minds at the moment.

"You made him your mindless puppet! You made him to only be at your beck and call! You! Made him how he is now!" Jimin screamed even louder than before.

"He must be talking about him." Taehyung remembered that robotic voice he heard when he had first woken up. Taehyung knew he was a subject in the facility previously but was deemed "cured" by one of the senior scientists.

"Who?" Yoongi asks.

"Jung Gin." Taehyung answered.

That name sounded really familiar to the boys but they couldn't pin point where they had heard it. They didn't dwell on it, just brushed it off.

"Isn't he like one of the helpers here?" Yoongi looked at Jimin's figure as he asked that.

"Yea, I think so. Apparently he was tortured and beaten into submission. They even removed some of his memories to make him 'cured' so to say." Taehyung placed a file with a huge confidential on the front.

Jungkook picked it up quickly and browsed through the content. He immediately threw the file away after a while, like he had just seen a ghost.

"What is it?" Jin got worried when he saw the youngest acting like this. "It is awful." Jungkook shuddered.

Taehyung shut his eyes tightly. "I'm going to get him out of there." Taehyung left the observance room and into the room Jimin is in. He used his keys to get in and switched on the lights. Jimin lifted his head up to look at Taehyung.

"Are you going to make me just like him?" Jimin glared at the scientist.

"We will get you out of here, that is if you're willing to cooperate." Taehyung says.

"He cooperated, look how he ended up." Jimin huffed.

Taehyung stared at Jimin with unreadable eyes, then a smirk appeared on his lips.


Oof, okay.  If you're confused about the last part, I'll explain a little.

I did say Jimin had permanent damage and that is no lie, but after waking up, there is bound to be some separation in his memories so somewhere, in his heart, he still remembers that Jung Gin was his friend, no matter how much they altered his memories to make the guy the antagonist of his story.

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