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I know many people stopped reading the story, maybe it got too confusing or simply difficult to read. I would definitely read this and try to change it if not for those stupid ads, but for now, it's gonna stay this way.

P.S. in case you didn't know, my full-time job is to confuse my readers :) (you can ask for my explanation if you don't understand something. I'll do my best to answer you. After all this is my book, so its my responsibility.)

Anyway, onto the story!!


So the boys are killed. Jimin can finally get down to business. The party is tonight. He is in his office, spinning his pen. This place feels so empty.

His stuff has been prepared for the longest time. You see, he just uses the same tools each and every time this happens and his bag has already been prepared over and over many times.

"This is going to be so much fun." Jimin mutters to himself.

"Don't forget what you promised."

"Seriously you won't let me go would you?" Jimin grumbles.

"That's because you never every keep your word."

Jimin shrugs. "I don't need to care for consequences here. It is after all in my head." Jimin just scribble down some words before walking over to his bag.

"Well it is time for you to wake up, or I'll force you if I have to. I have to share this space with you because you refuse to wake up."

"No one cares about you." Jimin mumbles as he walks out the front door of his building. He got into his car and drove to the venue. He had bribed security so he could set up his stuff in the building.

Jimin set up his things. I want to kill Jung Su with his own hands even if he had done it so many times that he honestly doesn't care. This would be the last time before he would wake up.

"Seriously, you should stop following me. I don't want you to be here." Jimin huffed as he lugged around the luggage that had all his tool.

"Yea, but I don't trust you for all sorts of reasons. You never kept your word about leaving this damn place, taking up my space."

Jimin glared at himself before connecting his wires on his machine. He will burn this place down. These bombs he is placing would splash the kerosene onto the floor and also create the spark for the fire. He will be in the party to stab Jung Su.

It is to make the last death, the worst and the most painful one of all.

"You have become such a sadist in such short period of time here. Looks like you're really fucked up."

"Well, it doesn't really matter does it. I'm already fucked up before I came here." Jimin shrugged as he made his way to the next pillar.

"I mean, considering your childhood, I guess you were already too fucked up to fix. Your own parents sent you here."

"Is that so?" Jimin stared at the wires in front of him. He probably became some bomb specialist with all the time he had handled with bombs.

"I'm going yo speed things up."

And with that, people started to come in. Jimin is all dressed up in a waiter's uniform, a tray in his hands. "Seriously?" Jimin grit his teeth.

"I can't wait for you to leave."

Jimin sighed as he brought his tray around to offer the guests who have come to the party organised by Jung Su.

The night was slow. Jung Su didn't come until at least a few hours later. Jimin focused on him, while still doing his job so it isn't suspicious, though no one would find him suspicious in that space.

When Jung Su was close enough to him, Jimin set off those bombs and fire spread. The doors were locked and no one could leave. The fire reached the ceilings of the ballroom.

Jimin made his way towards Jung Su. "You know, you have caused me so much pain. I will make sure you die today." Jimin sighed as he brings out his knife that was tucked away in the vest of his uniform.

Jung Su was running and panicking. "You know! No one will help you!" Jimin ran after Jung Su. The people and surroundings melted, except for Jung Su. The man was still running.

Jimin is fast, he caught up to the man easily. He held Jung Su's arm so that the man couldn't run away from him. His knife ran through Jung Su's side. The man screamed in pain.

The fire is still majestically burning down the place. Jung Su clutched his side, the man is barely standing. "You think this is the end of me?" Jung Su glared.

Jimin just stood there, his arms folded. The fire licked his skin but it was no big deal.

"Yes." This was Jimin's head, anything goes.

Everyone died at the scene.

"Its your turn to die."

Jimin sighed but pulled out the gun. He placed the gun on his head and shot himself. Everything became black, then it was light again.


Jimin is in a white room, all white with walls that have been cushioned by sponge.

"Sigh, why does it have to end?" Jimin mutters.

"Jimin! You're awake!" Jungkook is the first one to rush into the room when he woke up.

"Yes I'm awake." Jimin sighs, "You have been well."

Jimin for some reason is still sane, but this doesn't feel real at all.


You know, I have 4 songs that I have yet make public XD

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You know, I have 4 songs that I have yet make public XD. I don't know who might want to hear it, but so far, it is still for myself :)

Also, now that Jimin is finally awake from that dream-like state, things will get a little but chaotic for the boys. But it will be smooth sailing from now on.

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