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Jimin went back home straight after leaving the cells that kept his patients. Yes, he still views them as patients and he definitely have to stay professional and not let his own emotions get in the way.

No one knows why Jimin decided to go for psychology when he went to college. Everyone was shocked when the letter came back saying Jimin is going to major in psychology.

After the 6 boys were dragged away by their siblings, Jimin was left alone, right at the place he stood. He didn't move for a good two minutes before he walked back home.

He felt a little numb but the pain was still present. They just confessed to him moments ago but they didn't get their answer. Of course they wouldn't after being dragged away by their family.

Jimin sat in his room alone, his parents weren't at home, being out on a business trip. Young Jimin had to grow up a lot faster cause he had to take care of himself.

He didn't really mind, but at times like this he really want some comfort. He walked over to his desk, it held many things, sharp things included.

He took the pen knife and run it across his skin, he didn't know why he did it. He just wants a greater pain to overwrite the pain in his heart. Though it wasn't really rejection.

Blood from his wrists dripped onto the floor, Jimin felt even more numb than before. He just simply let his body drop to the floor, slouching.

He didn't really know what to do except let the chemicals in his head give him a little release from the pain of this world. He felt like he was dying.

Obviously he wasn't going to have any of that. He took the first aid box and wrapped himself up after cleaning the cuts a little.

He cleaned the blood of the pen knife and kept it into his drawer. He cleaned up the crime that he had done. People would think he is doing himself a disservice but, he is relieving the pain of the heart.

That was the first but it wasn't the last. He became quieter and ignored the 6 boys who had confessed to him. He became a target of bullying quickly.

The 6 boys left the school, one by one and Jimin was finally alone.

He is a ticking time bomb, a noose around his neck. He is dying, but he is invincible.

He takes all the beatings like he is at a buffet. His parents never at home enough to notice. His demons grew, making him a little crazy in the head. He didn't mind, he is simply a wolf in sheep's clothing.

No one expected him to be crazy with that innocent look anyway.

He decided that he would take psychology to torture those people, those outcasts, make them his minions and use them to his own advantage.

He wants it all, he wants pain to reign over all those who didn't care for him.

Jimin snapped out of his thoughts, realising he was clenching his fist a little to tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"Don't expose your cover Jimin. You know what you really are and your purpose. They all deserve the blood loss at the end of it all." Jimin mumbled to himself as he smirked.

Only the crazy can treat a crazy.

Jimin paid the taxi driver and walked into his apartment. He placed his suitcase on the floor and hung the lab coat on his coat hanger.

He sighed and took off his shoes. He walked to his room to get some clothes and went into the bathroom. He stripped off his clothes and he looked at all the scars on his arms and abs.

He smiled. He liked it, he liked what his demons did to him and his body. They messed with his head and made him crazy.

He won't show it of course, which idiot would.

"Don't fucking show me that innocent face! You're not an innocent soul. You belong to the demons." Jimin punched the mirror making it completely shatter, his fists bleeding, he didn't care. He just stepped into the shower, taking note to actually get the mirror replaced.

How ironic, he hates the face he has yet he still place mirrors around the place.

He is so indecisive.

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