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I'm sure many of you have heard the song. It probably has some deep meaning behind the whole song, but...👇🏻

fun fact:大吹打 dà chuī dǎ actually has no meaning and the Romanisation of the name is really bad because tǎ actually has a different meaning, and honestly too many words that have the same sound and intonation.

Individually, they mean : big : blow : hit. If you read it like how Chinese used to read words, from left to right, it also doesn't make any sense. I guess it's just a name and the real this is just the song. It's bop.


Jimin sat down in his chair, alone in his office. It may seem like he isn't doing his job, he isn't capable of doing anything right now. Struggling and clawing at himself. He can't tell from lies and truths.

A knock on the door pulled him out of his daze. He knows its the boys but even them, he has to hide. "Come in." Jimin looked at the door as he waited for whoever was behind it to come in.

"Hyung, are you okay? You suddenly came running into your office frantically just now. Sorry if you felt cornered." Jungkook said. Yea he definitely felt cornered but who is going to admit that. "No, it's fine. Is there anything you want to talk about?" Jimin asked as he pulled out a piece of paper.

Jungkook hesitated but still walked inside and sat right opposite Jimin with the table separating them. Still it is close enough to kill the other person. They seem to be stuck in a nightmare.

Jungkook just started talking after a while of silence. He didn't give any chance for Jimin's input, just blabbered on and on and Jimin just listened, hands barely keeping up with the words said.

"I will set you free from my clutches." Jimin said. Jungkook was shocked. He was sure he has never mentioned about being trapped in this twisted world. He has always been in this twisted world since he was born. "I don't understand Jimin. What are you saying?" Jungkook says, eyes glaring.

Jimin chuckles, "Where are your honorifics Jungkook?" Jimin avoided the question. Jungkook just stood and left. "You wont be able to get rid of us, Jimin. If we shatter you then, so be it." Jungkook closed the door behind him and Jimin slumped into his chair once again.

"Being with them is so mentally draining." Jimin mutters.

Jimin then started tapping on his computer, keeping track of Jung Su's movements. It has been so long since he had checked. The boys are keeping him busy and he didn't need to check when he was working at his old work place. That man was extremely annoying constantly sending emails to him, asking him to return.

He gets out of his chair to stretch and left his office. The boys are just lounging around. "Are you guys hungry?" Jimin asks. "It's alright, we can settle it ourselves." Jin says, "Are you hungry? I can get you some food. It's already been prepared."

Jin stands up to prepare Jimin's food. "No, I'm good." Jimin says which make Jin stop in his steps. "You have cooped yourself up in that office the whole morning. Are you sure you're not hungry? You're harming your body." Jin says.

"No I'm good. I am just checking on you guys." Jimin says. This is what he hates about his medication. It gets him so lethargic and he honestly doesn't want to do anything at all.

Jimin shrugs and makes his way down to get himself a cup of water. Jin sighs and follows behind Jimin to go to the kitchen. "You have to eat Jimin." Jin says and he prepares the food for Jimin.

"You really don't have to." Jimin sighs as he takes a sip of water. Hoseok comes over and hugs Jimin from behind. "You ain't escaping from this." Hoseok easily lifts Jimin up and places him on the chair.

The boys all surround him. "You ain't getting away Jiminie." Hoseok pokes Jimin's cheeks.

Jungkook keeps his eyes on Jimin.

Jimin feels rather suffocated being around the group of boys. He needs to distance himself from them. He decides that the easiest way is just to eat his food and get back inside his room.

So he did, he finished his food in record time. He smiled, thanked for the food and rushed back to his office. He sat down on his chair once again. Once he is able to kill Jung Su, he would be free of this monster deep inside of him. He would not need to have a care.

He scratches his head, displeased expression on his face. How long is he going to live such a shackled life?

Lies, lies, lies, his whole life is a life, serving an unknown purpose, to fill the hole in his empty heart.


I wrote this two days ago. XD  this books is ending soon, so I'll finish up the interviews for the rest of the boys. Im contemplating a book 2 for this, but we will see what happens.

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