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So it's national day for me today. (I guess it's a huge hint of where I'm from.) So I thought that I should post today instead. I guess you're getting it earlier than expected :)

So here's your last chapter. Surprise is at the end of this.



Jimin is now in his room. The days here seem longer with nothing to do. Usually he could just leave to go kill some people who just so happen to be on the streets. "Oops that wasn't real." Jimin mumbles to himself before sighing.

Jimin then closed his eyes and tries to focus on the noises around him. Footsteps were rushing towards his room. The lights were flickering in a weird rhythm or pace. He couldn't be bothered.

There was then banging on his door. "What the hell? Are they mad and they say I am the mad one." Jimin sighs but does nothing. It's not like he actually had the rights to open his door. Jimin just stayed at his spot, his head is tilted to look at the ceiling of flickering lights. The banging just doesn't seem to stop, not like he cares. The banging is the only interesting thing that happened that day anyway.

"Are you not going to open the door?" Taehyung walks in with a group of people in weird uniforms. "Can I even open that door without authorisation? Are you an idiot or something?" Jimin rolled his eyes before turning his back towards Taehyung.

"You're being so cold, Jimin. Aren't we friends?" Taehyung faked a sad voice. "We were never friends, Dr Kim. I'm sure I am making things clear here." Jimin stood up then turned to face Taehyung. An unreadable expression, but eyes only filled with hatred and kill intent.

"You are not worthy of my friendship anyway. You are a murderer. You kill people in this world. You even killed your own family. I really think you should be the one stuck in the room, not me." Jimin glared.

"Jimin, I am doing all of this for your own good! You're sick!" Taehyung screamed as he grabbed onto Jimin's shoulder.

" 'I am doing all this for your own good'. " Jimin mocked before he glared at Taehyung. He pushed Taehyung's hands off his shoulders and with an unimpressed face, he speaks, "Tell that to my friend over there. Tell me that that is the normal."

Taehyung turned to look behind him before sighing. "He is normal now. He doesn't have those tendencies. He is keeping a job and he is very compliant to orders." Taehyung says.

"You mean an obedient, mindless, puppet." Jimin sat down on his bed crossed legged, his posture slouched over as he look at the person in the white lab coat.

"Taehyung, I'm begging please, will you... will you just will you end my pain, take my life away from this cruel world? I have had enough of your shit being stick here in this stupid goddamn room. Just kill me if you want to. I don't really care." Jimin stared at Taehyung with unreadable eyes.

Taehyung just glared hard at Jimin, what the hell is all this? Why is this happening? The experiment was successful to a certain extent but now that Jimin is awake, he refuses to listen to any of them. Why is this happening?

"You must be thinking why is this happening, but honestly you have forced me to be like this. You forced me through all that pain with that stupid experiment your mentor was persistent on doing. You didn't realise that I was falling apart, that I was going insane." Jimin glared hard.

"Your ruined my life!" Jimin screamed which made those men go defensive around Taehyung.

"Jimin, you need some rest, clear your mind then we can talk. We can change everything as long as you're compliant." Taehyung pushed the men aside and made his way towards Jimin.

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