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Subject: Park Jimin
Age: 25
— confidential —


Jimin is in his office as usual. He wrote down what had happened in the day briefly. He filed the piece of paper into a file before staring into space. He picked up his items and made his way back home. He needs sleep, he feels so tired.

When he reached his apartment, he plopped onto the couch, his things thrown on the floor. He let his eyes close and he drift off to his subconscious.


"You have to stop all this killing. You're losing yourself."

"I'm just a person that is subjected to their will."

"You have to stop this bullshit, Jimin. Wake up! How long more are you going to be asleep!"

"Forever. That would be really really nice."

"This is what I fucking meant. Look at you, losing yourself completely. Stop that. You're not their little puppet. Kill them then kill yourself. You have to wake up from this nightmare."

"It doesn't matter! I won't have anywhere to go after I wake up. I'm too damaged to go out into the world."

"You haven't lost your memories, so stop acting like you have."

"I'm not in control."

"Yes you are, stop acting like you're completely useless."

Jimin sighs and force himself to wake up from the dream in his dream. "That was really annoying." Jimin mutters. He knows that is the voice rooting him down to reality, but honestly sometime soon it just really hard to digest things, accept things that you can't see.

He swings his legs down the couch, letting the sole if his feet touch the cold ground. He makes his way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to lubricate his throat. He feels like even though he is fighting in his head, his throat is really dry.

"I can't even rest properly." Jimin mutters as he picks up the knife in his kitchen. He might kill everyone all together and save his time. Tomorrow, he will kill the remaining boys then finish his mission.

It won't be too cruel though, maybe just a stab in the heart. That would be great. They come back every single time he kills them. "Are they idiots for scientists?" Jimin mumbles as he sharpens his knife.

Mumbling as he made sure his knife is sharp so they don't feel as much pain, even if it is just a dream. Morning will come soon and the boys will arrive, except Taehyung.

"You know that is no point in trying to block me out."

There a distance away, another Jimin appeared.

"After all, we are already in your head."

"Now what do you exactly want?" Jimin is getting annoyed by all of this. He doesn't want to hear his inner, rational voice.

"I will kill you after you kill the boys. You can't stay on. You're already damaged enough."

The other Jimin sat on the couch as he stares at Jimin who is sharpening his knife. "I have to kill Jung Su." Jimin shrugged as he kept his eyes on his knife.

"You sure are stubborn."

"Well aren't you similar? You're still here when I refuse to wake up to the real world."

"You have to face it eventually. Your brain has been damaged enough."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "I'll kill myself after I kill Jung su. Is that good enough for you?"

"Sure if you keep your promise because you have killed that guy for at least 100 times in these past 5 years that you have been asleep, in your dream."

"I'll keep my word this time."

The other Jimin disappears and Jimin gets ready to go to work.

Time passes rather quickly, something he had pretty much gotten used to. His knife tucked safely into his briefcase. He makes his way into the building.

This time he took a much longer time to kill them, maybe he just misses them. Each time the wait for them to enter this dream world just takes longer and longer.

He waits outside for the boys into reach. His knife already ready to strike any time. He might be addicted to this feeling of killing.

The vehicle pull up in front of him. The boys are left behind and it drives off. "You know, I can't have you here any longer." Jimin says, his hand holding on to the handle if his knife that he had prepared.

"What are you talking about? You have killed Taehyung and now you want to take our lives as well?" Jin screamed at him.

Jimin is slightly worried. They are into their character. Jimin wasted no time in slashing Jin's neck. Blood shoots out, Jin falls to the ground.

"He will be gone in a few mins." Jimin smiles, he is sure he looks slightly crazy. He looks at the remaining 4 people.

"What is it that you know that we don't?" Namjoon asks, clearly annoyed about everything that is happening and Jimin refuses to reveal what he knows.

Jimin just smiles slightly before driving the knife through all of them. "You will know once you die." Jimin says.

That was it and everything went black for the 5 boys that have been killed.


Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook wakes up gasping in a white room. It was the same as how Taehyung woke up.

"You guys are finally awake. I guess he also killed you." Taehyung said with a clipboard in his hands. His eyes focused on the body that laid on the opposite side, across the glass.

"He might have permanent damage." Taehyung says and the rest of the boys are shocked. They remember what they were doing.

"What the hell are we doing..." Yoongi mutters as he rush over to the glass. Jimin is laying there, chest rising up and down steadily, tubes inserted into his body.

"Seriously." Namjoon spoke.

"We have to stop this." Jungkook looks over worried.

"I'm trying, but he cant be forced out of that place." Taehyung mutters. Hoseok is rubbing his wrists very anxious.

They are worried.


Slightly longer and very shit chapter😂😂 i have no idea how to bring this out. This is a new thing to this story. So everything that has happened so far is part of Jimin's "dreams" they aren't exactly dreams, more like programmed memories.

The 6 boys are scientists that are working on Jimin. They hope to change the memories of other people. It is a project they have been working on for very long (just some context because I don't want to write another flashback).

That's all. I know its bad. Its transitioning, i promise it will be better after two chapters. The end is approaching. :)

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