1⋆Twilight [M]

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[author's note: this was my first story here on WP. And the writing is horrible, now you've been warned!]

Park Seonghwa has seen many beautiful things in his life; his favorite being how the colors of the sky so perfectly blend together in orange, pink and blue during twilight. But right in this moment, he is certain that the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, and ever will see, is the way Yeosang looks at him with big, sparkling brown eyes from down on his knees.

Yeosang's face and his touch makes everything else merge into a blur of beautiful colors, making Seonghwa feel like he is wrapped inside his very own twilight moment. His vision is hazy, as if an iridescent layer has laid itself over his eyes. But he still sees the face of the dark-haired beauty ever so clearly.

Seonghwa lets his fingers run though Yeosang's soft hair, tugging it lightly as Yeosang takes him further into his mouth, causing the first lewd moan to escape from Seonghwa's parted lips.

He feels how Yeosang smiles for a short second, before continuing sucking him off. The way he swirls his tongue around while moving his head up and down is the most amazing feeling ever, and Seonghwa is having a hard time keeping quiet in his small dorm room.

"Yeo-Yeosang..." he whispers through heavy breathing, "that... feels... so good..."

Once again, Yeosang's lips curl up in a brief smile, sending Seonghwa a mischievous look before adjusting his body, making it easier to take Seonghwa's hard member all the way into his mouth. Yeosang moves his head around, lips locked closely around the shaft while feeling Seonghwa's upper body with his hands - leaving small, red traces with his nails down Seonghwa's fair skin.

"Ah~" Seonghwa has to bite his lip to stop the moan half-way.

The way Yeosang looks up at him confirms that he did it only to tease, to make Seonghwa's sounds become even louder.

"Yeosang... Don't... I can't keep quiet much longer... Please..." Seonghwa pants, almost desperately, but his pleads only causes Yeosang to go even faster.

Having to fight all urges to moan out loud, Seonghwa feels how his entire body starts trembling as he releases into Yeosang's mouth. Yeosang swallowing everything without any hesitation, licking his pink, swollen lips while staring into Seonghwa's eyes.

"Told you I could make you feel good," Yeosang says as he gets up from the floor, his long, dark hair swaying in front of his eyes as he quickly bends down to rub his sore knees. "Okay, I gotta go. Bye."

Before Seonghwa has even gotten dressed again, he is left alone in his room. With a sigh he lets his exhausted body fall onto the mattress, intertwining his fingers before resting his hands against his warm forehead.

The room won't stop spinning, or is it just in his head? Yeosang's sweet scent is still lingering in the air, making Seonghwa feel even more dizzy. He turns on his side to look out the window, but the sun has gone away and it's dark outside, causing the window to throw his reflection back at him.

Another deep sigh leaves his lips, as he tries to process everything that has just happened. Slowly he is coming back to reality and has to face the fact that he just got sucked off by guy. A guy he barely even knows.

A million questions crash down upon him, like a giant wave of doubt and confusion.

Nervously he bites his nails, staring at his messy reflection in the window. He's always been the type of person who felt like he had the answer to everything, someone who always knew exactly what to do and say, and when.

For the first time in his life, he has no clue whatsoever.

Yes, Park Seonghwa has indeed seen many beautiful things in his life; morning dew spread across fragile flower petals, how the leaves changes colors during autumn, old couples holding hands proving that love can be everlasting.

But he has never thought he would ever look at another guy and find him beautiful. The feelings rushing through him are confusing him, and making him feel both frustrated and flustered. He isn't sure how to react to, or deal with the things that just happened.

For the first time in his life he feels completely lost.

Right in this moment there's only one thing that Seonghwa is certain of is: Kang Yeosang is the most beautiful person he's ever seen.

And Seonghwa loved the way Yeosang had sucked his dick.

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