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Hyunjin's words are stuck in Seonghwa's brain as the next couple of days passes by, and Seonghwa hates to admit that he might not know Yeosang at all yet. Although Hyunjin probably was saying most of the things out of pure jealousy and spite, the words still manage to mingle themselves into pretty much any other thought Seonghwa has.

Even before the incident with Hyunjin, it was clear to Seonghwa that Yeosang is carrying something heavy inside his mind, and most likely his heart too. Something that has made him seem so careless and cold, distant and closed. But Seonghwa has also started to see a new side of him; a side so soft, warm and gentle. One that Seonghwa is more than eager to learn more about.

And for each time he sees Yeosang, for every kiss and every smile, Hyunjin's words slowly start to fade away. They might not be completely forgotten, but Seonghwa isn't paying much attention to them at least.


Seonghwa rubs his eyes which have become tired from reading through twenty pages of the probably tiniest font ever. He has tried to avoid putting on his reading glasses because he thinks he looks dumb with them on, and he doesn't want Yeosang to make fun of him. But finally he has to give in and find the stupid glasses from the drawer in his desk, and with a long sigh he puts them on. Yeosang is sitting on the bed just scrolling around on his phone, but he looks up when he hears the sound of the drawer being opened and closed.

"Wow. You look sexy like that," he grins and puts his phone away.

"Yeosang, your sarcasm is not appreciated right now," Seonghwa just grumbles, trying to stay focused on the book in front of him. He soon feels completely distracted when he feels Yeosang's warm hands on his shoulders, slowly gliding down over his chest.

"I'm serious," Yeosang whispers in Seonghwa's ear, "like some hot teacher kind of type."

"Yeosang... I need to finish this tonight..." The voice that leaves Seonghwa's lips is almost just a simple whine as the feeling of Yeosang's hands all over him making him give in.

Yeosang drags Seonghwa's chair away from the desk before sitting down over Seonghwa's lap. Slowly and seductively the younger starts to pull his shirt over his head, revealing the lovely body that Seonghwa just can't say no to.

"And I need to feel you, right now," Yeosang murmurs, biting his lower lip. "It's okay, you don't have to do anything. You can just finish your work. Meanwhile, I'll finish you off," Yeosang mumbles between the kisses on Seonghwa's neck. Before Seonghwa can protest, his belt has already been pulled off.

An inaudible gasp leaves Seonghwa's lips as he feels Yeosang's hand slip into his pants. There's just something so magnetizing about Yeosang, something that never fails to turn Seonghwa on no matter what. At this point he has started to think that he's become some kind of sex-addict, when it comes to Yeosang at least.

While staring deeply into each other's eyes, Seonghwa runs his fingers through Yeosang's soft hair before tangling his fingers into hit, gently tugging it as the younger's hand is moving around in Seonghwa's pants, making him feel absolutely amazing.

But just as Yeosang is about to crawl down from Seonghwa's lap, to get down on his knees instead, a knock on the door disturbs them from going any further that night.

"Ah, fuck..." Seonghwa grumbles. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Hongjoong!"

"And Yunho!"

Seonghwa and Yeosang look each other in the eyes for a couple of seconds, both greatly disappointed by being disturbed, before Yeosang removes himself and puts his shirt back on. He grabs the nearest book he can find and sits down on an empty chair next to the Seonghwa is sitting on.

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