ALONE TOGETHER [k.ys & h.hj spin-off]

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Hello everyone <3 I've decided to put the small spin-off in, in this story instead of having it as it's own, as I'm trying to clean my profile up a bit :3 Hope it's okaaaay. So here's all the six chapters combined into one!


For you who haven't read this yet, it's the backstory of Yeosang and Hyunjin!

This short-story is dedicated to my angsty sis Teal_Sakura  <3



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"Don't worry, Kang

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"Don't worry, Kang. It'll only hurt the first time," Hyunjin's lips curled up in a familiar, wicked smile, and the alluring darkness in his eyes burnt straight through Yeosang's soul.

"Fine, let's just do it..."

Yeosang should have known better than to listen to Hyunjin - he should have, but he didn't. All those years in the darkness, alone and misunderstood, had taken its toll on him and clouded his judgement. Meeting Hyunjin had felt like being given a second chance. Finally someone understood him, and the dark thoughts that restlessly roamed inside his mind.

"You need to look at pain in a different way," Hyunjin said, the razor blade shining in the light of the candles all around them, "pain is not a punishment, it's a way of redemption."

Yeosang nodded, slowly, his eyes locked on Hyunjin's hands as they pushed the black sleeves up. He had seen the scars on his friend's arms before, many times, and at first it had scared him immensely. The memory of his mother, and how she had slit her wrists and screamed so viciously at him, had wrecked his mind all over again.

But the more he had seen them, and the more he had heard Hyunjin talk about it, in such a nonchalant, normal way, had started to intrigue him.

"It's just like death," Hyunjin continued, the blade slicing his already mutilated skin open, "death isn't the end, it's a new beginning."

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