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The music inside the nightclub is so loud Seonghwa fears he might go deaf. The air is thick and warm and makes his hair stick to his forehead, annoying him immensely. 

Mingi is all over the place, busy trying to pick up some hot girls. Hongjoong is dancing with anyone that gets close to him, also trying to pull Seonghwa out on the dance floor every five minute, while Yunho is in the bathroom throwing up. Mingi had spent a good ten minutes complaining about his wingman's inability to hold his liquor, even going as far as stating "his Ravenclaw ass should know better than get that wasted", which had led to a huge argument between the two tall guys before Yunho had sprinted towards the bathrooms for the third time that night.

Seonghwa on the other hand is sticking to the bar like his life depends on it. His friends had bought shots earlier and Seonghwa can definitely feel them kicking in by now. Everything around him is moving like a boat in stormy weather and he tries to sit down on a barstool without falling over his own feet.

While considering if he should go join Yunho in his puking adventure, Seonghwa notices how Hongjoong is jumping up and down on the dance floor, waving his hands over his head. At first Seonghwa isn't sure if he's just dancing or trying to get his attention again. Hongjoong eventually shakes his head before walking towards the bar.

"Hey! Look who I just met!" Hongjoong shouts over the loud music, tugging Seonghwa's sleeve.

Seonghwa peeks behind Hongjoong's shoulder and sees that blonde guy from the new batch of Economics students. Was his name Wooyoung? Next to Wooyoung is another guy with even brighter, almost on the edge to white, fluffy hair and despite his very sharp facial features he seems to be bubbly and friendly.

"Hi, I'm Choi San!" the guy introduces himself with a bright smile. Wooyoung is standing next to him, greeting Seonghwa waving both his hands while bopping his head to the beat.

"Park Seonghwa," Seonghwa shouts, trying to break through the music.

"Come on, everyone! Let's go dance!" Hongjoong laughs, waving his arms around while bouncing back towards the dance floor.

"Yay! I love dancing!" San exclaims quickly following him.

"Wait for me guys!" Wooyoung is also soon out of sight as the three of them mingle into the crowd.

Seonghwa is just about to turn around when his eyes connect with a pair of beautiful brown eyes. Yeosang's. He wasn't visible before, standing behind the others while they were talking to Seonghwa. But there he is, looking so amazing in a loose black shirt-blouse and ripped skinny jeans.

"Hey..." Yeosang says as he stands himself next to Seonghwa at the bar. "Not going dancing?"

"It's not really my thing..." Seonghwa replies. He can't explain why but he suddenly feels so flustered by Yeosang's presence.

"Same." Yeosang shrugs his shoulders and makes a grimace to indicate how little interest he has in being grinded in the large sweat machine in the middle of the night club.

"Do you... Want to go out and get some fresh air?" Seonghwa asks without even thinking about his own words.

The air outside is nice and refreshing and Seonghwa slowly feels way more awake than before. His head is still spinning though, but at least he doesn't feel like throwing up or falling asleep.

He and Yeosang have walked down the street without any of them have even suggested it. It just happened.

They find a quiet place to sit down and Seonghwa tilts his head back with closed eyes and lets the cold air fill his lungs. He exhales slowly, truly enjoying not feeling gross and sweaty anymore.

"I take it as this isn't a thing you do often? Go clubbing?" Yeosang asks.

"No. Never. But my friends talked me into it, so..." Seonghwa says and opens his eyes to look at Yeosang.

Yeosang hums with a nod, staring up at the dark sky above them. A faint light from a lamppost a few steps away throws a soft, almost magical light on his face. Seonghwa can't help but stare at him, his sharp jawline, his shining eyes and the way he parts his lips as he lets out a long sigh.

"I don't like it that much either. Wooyoung just really wanted to go and he promised he'd buy me fried chicken if I went with him. I should just have stayed at home though. It's not like he'll notice I've left anyway," Yeosang mumbles while fiddling with the ends of his sleeves.

"Who was the other guy?" Seonghwa then asks.

"Who? San? He's from Wooyoung's study group. They've been hanging out every day since they met."

Since the two of them don't know each other that well yet, Seonghwa isn't sure what to reply. He can't quite figure out if it bothers Yeosang or not, as the younger seems rather emotionless when speaking.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Yeosang suddenly asks, looking directly into Seonghwa's eyes.

"Like what?" Seonghwa quickly pulls his eyes away from Yeosang, only now realizing that he has been staring at him. He feels how his cheeks start to heat up and he turns his face away trying to hide it.

He can't explain why, but there's just something about Yeosang that makes Seonghwa want to look at him all the time. Something so fascinating and mesmerizing but yet so wrong. Yeosang is a guy and Seonghwa shouldn't want to look at him like that.

"Like you want to kiss me or something."

Yeosang's statement makes Seonghwa flinch. His eyes widen up and he feels like his otherwise fast working brain shuts down, and he just can't find get the words to connect into a coherent sentence.

"It's okay," Yeosang says calmly. Perhaps too calmly, "you can, if you want to. It's fine."

But to Seonghwa it is definitely not fine. And he does not want to kiss Yeosang. Why would he ever want to kiss a guy? Yeosang's question burns in Seonghwa's ears and he feels almost offended that Yeosang would even assume such an inappropriate thing.

"Are you always this bold?" While looking in the other direction, Seonghwa finally manages to speak out loud. He nervously takes a quick peek at Yeosang who is busy gazing at the sky again.

Seonghwa moves his eyes away, anxious that Yeosang will notice that he was looking at him again. Biting his lower lip a few times, Seonghwa questions himself on why he's still sitting there. He could just walk away, leave and not look back, pretend that this never happened. But something unexplainable inside of him wants to stay.

"What do you mean?" Yeosang side-eyes him before looking back up at the night's sky.

"Just assuming others want to kiss you?"

"Well, I'm usually right, so..."

Yeosang shrugs his shoulders at his second bold statement that night, and Seonghwa feels like he is drowning in an ocean of the unsaid words that storms through his mind, but never leave his lips.

When Seonghwa's phone suddenly buzzes in his pocket he feels move than relieved, even when it's Mingi who is asking for help, getting a way beyond wasted Yunho back to the dorm. Seonghwa quickly says goodbye to Yeosang and walks down the street with his heart pounding hard in his chest.

He most certainly did not want to kiss Yeosang. Not at all... 

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