12⋆Addiction [M]

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"So... Why are you really here?" Seonghwa breaks the silence, which so far only has been interrupted by the sound of them chewing on the fried chicken.

"Do I need a specific reason?" Yeosang is busy studying the piece of chicken in his hands, carefully pulling the skin off before putting it down onto a napkin in front of him.

"No, of course not."

While Yeosang is occupied with his food, Seonghwa takes his chance to take a good look at the red marks he has left on the younger's neck, imprinting the image of it in his mind. When Yeosang moves around in his seat, his loose t-shirt reveals his prominent collarbones, and Seonghwa can't help but stare - feeling like this exact sight might be just his biggest weakness.

"You like what you see?" Yeosang suddenly asks.

"I heard what your friend, Wooyoung, said earlier," Seonghwa replies promptly, not going to bend under Yeosang's stare and poised attitude this time.

With a brief smile, Yeosang smacks his lips a few times before putting his chicken down, drying his fingers in the napkin. He scoots the food away and slowly leans in across the table, his eyes tracing Seonghwa's face with this deep stare that makes Seonghwa feel out of breath.

"So you did, did you? Well... He wasn't lying though."

"Oh, I'm special is that what you are saying?"

"Don't think too highly of yourself. I doubt you need that confidence boost, Park Seonghwa."

"Mhm, well I'm just saying... If was I was the first one, I must be."

"Well, I was the first guy you slept with, so that would make me special too, right?"

"Please..." Seonghwa huffs, shaking his head.

Slowly pushing his chair out before rising from his seat, Yeosang never lets go of Seonghwa's eyes. He moves around the table and runs his fingers through Seonghwa's hair, while sitting down on his lap, one leg on each side.

"Wha-what are you doing?" only a low, raspy whisper manages to escape Seonghwa's lips, as he shocked looks at Yeosang.

"What do you think?"

The soft touch of Yeosang's lips is soon spreading all over Seonghwa's neck, not leaving a single spot feeling left out. And Seonghwa can't hold himself back either, feeling almost obsessed by feeling Yeosang's body pressed against him.

Seonghwa lets his fingers glide through Yeosang's dark hair, closing his hand in a firm grip around it, forcing Yeosang to raise his head before their lips are locked onto each other's. Their tongues swirl around each other in a heated, passionate dance, hands all over each other's bodies and soon both of their shirts are on the floor.

One by one Seonghwa lets go of all his worries, doubt and millions of questions. Well, there is still one left that he just has to ask.

"I thought you said you don't sleep with the same person twice?" Seonghwa hums against Yeosang's neck.

"I'll do an exception with you, since you are so fucking sexy."

"Oh! So it is me who is special, huh?"

"Seonghwa. Just shut up and fuck me."


Yeosang never seems to fail to amaze, with his words, his body, the way he can make Seonghwa feel so incredible alive. Their sweating bodies are moving together as one, but just as Seonghwa dares to think Yeosang couldn't surprise him more, the younger pushes Seonghwa off of him in the bed and positions himself over Seonghwa's lap instead.

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