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Park Seonghwa has, like any other human being, experienced pain in his life. Like when he was five and fell off his bike for the first time, and scraped his knee so bad that he to this day still has a scar from it. Or when he was twelve and found out his mother had been cheating on his father, but they stayed together for the sake of their image, making every family dinner after that insufferable. And of course, when Tzuyu had broken up with him only to start dating the guy she had been lying about only being a friend.

It had all hurt in different ways but it always turned out the same; Seonghwa had taken the pain and he had hidden it inside of him, because that is what he was raised to do.

Fake a smile, and move on.

But nothing had hurt him more than the feeling that had struck him the second Yeosang had left his room. A feeling so powerful and deep that it kept haunting him the next two weeks. Every time he dared to pay the smallest attention to that feeling it only grew bigger, stronger.

The feeling of regret, of uncertainty, of fear is so overwhelming he feels like he is suffocating within himself.

The very worst part of it is remembering how he felt only seconds before he had opened his stupid mouth, and let out those words that would cause the disaster he now is caught up in. Because in that very moment he realized that he was starting to feel something deeper for Yeosang. Actual, real feelings. 

This is definitely something he would never thought would happen. And although Seonghwa probably should feel scared to acknowledge those feelings, it scares him more to admit that he messed up everything between them.


The rain is falling heavily outside, drumming on the windows as the raindrops hit the glass in a constant, endless stream. It's a Friday afternoon and the guys have met up in Yunho and Mingi's room to hang out and make plans for the weekend.

"Man, I hate rainy days! It's been raining for two days straight now and I'm so bored, I wanna go out!" Mingi whines, throwing himself onto the bed where he is sitting.

"Then just go out?" Hongjoong says without looking up from his phone, busy trying to find an interesting event or party they can go to. Preferably something that involves dancing.

"Hell no! I don't want to ruin my clothes with that nasty stink from the rain!"

"I know what we can do!" Yunho grins and instantly gets glares from his three friends, all at once.

"Yunho, I swear to God, if you suggest Harry Potter marathon again I will kick you in the nuts!" Mingi shouts from his bed.

"Fine, whatever!" Yunho rolls his eyes just a second before a mischievous grin grows on his face. "Don't get mad at me just because you cried last time, when Snape died!"

"I told you a million times; I DID NOT CRY!" Mingi jumps up from the bed, waving his long arms around. "I had an allergic reaction to something in the food, and it was all bad timing!"

Yunho and Mingi continue their bickering while Hongjoong tries his best to get in between and calm them down. But him being a significantly smaller human being than the other two isn't working to his advantage right now, and he just ends up helplessly running around in circles around them.

Seonghwa isn't much help either, as he just sits by the window staring at the raindrops running down the window. He hasn't heard from Yeosang at all since that night. He also hasn't seen him much around campus either. Seonghwa hates to admit that the younger most likely is avoiding him at all costs. Ignoring him, like he has ignored the several messages Seonghwa has sent him apologizing and asking if they could meet and talk.

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