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The fizzing sound from the electric water boiler is the only thing, which is heard throughout the room, when Seonghwa is sitting awkwardly on the very edge of Yeosang's bed.

Yeosang is sitting on a chair in the middle of his room, just wiggling his feet while waiting for the hot water to be done. As soon as he hears the click that indicates that the water boiler has done its job, he rises from the chair and walks over to make the tea he had offered to Seonghwa earlier.

Meanwhile Seonghwa taps his fingers against his thighs, while running what just happened through his mind. He feels so embarrassed having broken down in public, and even more embarrassed that someone he knows had seen it. Or, someone that he sort of knows. Okay, someone he has met once. But to Seonghwa that is more than enough in this given situation. 

Seonghwa had felt so out of it, when Yeosang found him that he couldn't even find the words to come up with excuse to just leave. So when Yeosang offered him "some tea, or whatever" he had just nodded, and followed the younger to his dorm room.

"Thank you," Seonghwa quietly mutters, as Yeosang hands him a cup of warm tea.

"No problem." With a wry smile Yeosang sits back down on the chair and folds his hands in his lap, his eyes just flickering about. "So... Do you... Feel better, or?"

Seonghwa can't help but briefly smile against the edge of the warm cup, when he hears Yeosang's hesitant voice. He guesses that Yeosang is just as bad at talking about feelings as he is. While sipping the hot tea, Seonghwa looks around the room, noticing that Yeosang lives alone too. Not in a single-room like Seonghwa does, but the side that should belong to a roommate is still left untouched.

"I'm not usually like this," Seonghwa suddenly admits. 

He bites his lower lip, questioning himself why he just let those words out. Yeosang turns his face and looks at him, the brown eyes looking wondering but careless at the same time. He tilts his head back a little and runs his fingers through his dark hair, while a small hum leaves his lips. Still looking directly at Seonghwa, he leans forward resting his elbows on his thighs.

"Like what?" Yeosang asks.

"A... mess..."

"Ah. Okay..."

Yeosang nods a few times tapping his fingers against each other.

"What's the special occasion then?" he then asks, before leaning against the backrest of the chair.

A few seconds of silence follows Yeosang's words, as Seonghwa isn't sure what to answer. Instead he just stares down into the cup in his hands, going through all possible replies in his mind.

"You know what," he says, breaking the silence between them, "it's getting late. I should get going. Thanks for the tea and everything. I'll see you around."

Seonghwa smiles politely while handing the cup back to Yeosang, who just shrugs his shoulders - seemingly not caring about the outcome of their conversation. But why should he, they don't know each other at all anyway.

"Good morning," Hongjoong says, as he sits down next to Seonghwa, waiting for their first lecture of the year to begin.

Seonghwa quickly notices how Hongjoong seems different today; not as cheerful as he usually is - like something is on his mind, bothering him.

"Is something wrong?" Seonghwa asks, closing his MacBook to focus on his friend.

"I..." Hongjoong looks away for a second, scratching his head. "I just saw something yesterday..."

"What did you see?"

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