11⋆Hunger [M]

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If anyone had asked Seonghwa about his sex-life, he would have had to admit that he'd never been the experimenting, nor daring type of guy.  He liked sex the way he liked anything else in his life: simple and with everything being under control. The accusation Yeosang had laid out, of Seonghwa being too much of a missionary with cuddles afterwards type of person was probably true. It's not that he didn't like sex, of course he did, but he had never thought of it like an intense, wild rush filled with dirty talking and fight for dominance.

This was before he had met Yeosang though. Something has changed within Seonghwa, as if someone else has taken control over his mind and his body, making him do all these insane things he would never even have dreamt of. But it does feels absolutely arousing to see how Yeosang, who always seems so unbothered and almost cocky, suddenly acting completely submissive by the words that Seonghwa breathes into his ear.

Everything happened so fast that Seonghwa didn't even think twice about what was going on. He barely even remembers pushing Yeosang onto the bed and before he knows better, all of their clothes are thrown all over the floor and their naked bodies are slamming against each other.

"Se-Seonghwa-ah... Oh... God..." Yeosang moans loudly underneath Seonghwa, arching his body upwards as Seonghwa moves faster, thrusting harder into him.

"Ah, y-you're so... tight..." The compliment coming from Seonghwa, causes a brief smile to appear over Yeosang's lips before he wraps his legs around Seonghwa, letting him move even deeper inside.

Both of their moans are flowing together into one, filling the room together with the steamy hot air around them. The feeling that rushes through Seonghwa can't be described with words. The way Yeosang's body clenches so tightly around him every time he thrusts inside is so mind-blowing that Seonghwa is afraid his brain might overheat at any second.

Had there ever been a doubt in his mind that he wanted to fuck Yeosang, it is definitely long gone. Feeling Yeosang's body under his own nothing has ever felt better, as if this amazing body was made only for him to feel.

Seonghwa feels almost high at this point. Yeosang's sweet scent, his soft skin, the way he moans Seonghwa's name just the second before begging to be fucked even harder; everything is so incredible that it feels like a dream.

When Yeosang throws his head backwards into the pillow, Seonghwa can't stop staring at the long, unprotected neck in front of him. Slowly, he lets his fingers run up Yeosang's long neck before covering his mouth with his hand.

Seonghwa leans in closer, sinking his teeth into the delicate skin of the younger's neck, biting and sucking  it so hard it might be even too much. A muffled cry is struggling to escape Yeosang's covered mouth, but he doesn't try to break free and Seonghwa doesn't stop nor does he remove his hand.

"Stop whining," Seonghwa growls, still with his teeth closed around the silky skin, and Yeosang immediately obeys him.

When Seonghwa unclenches his teeth, a huge red mark is already visible on the otherwise perfect skin.

"Not so smug now, are you?" Seonghwa leans down to whisper against Yeosang's face, tangling his fingers into the dark hair, tugging it as every thrust becomes harder and wilder.

Yeosang just looks at Seonghwa while biting his own lower lip to keep his moans quiet, which fails over and over again, to Seonghwa's great satisfaction. Seonghwa loves the way Yeosang looks right now, fully giving in and letting Seonghwa do anything he wants.

"Mmh, feels... so... good..." Yeosang gasps against Seonghwa's warm face.

Seonghwa grabs the younger by the hips to pull him even closer, causing no gap to be between their sweating bodies. Yeosang lets out a couple of endearing moans when Seonghwa moves around deep inside of him, feeling every part of him.

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