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The loud buzzing from people talking blends together with the music at the bar Seonghwa's friends have forced him to go to.

Seonghwa is trying his best to not be a party pooper, but his mind keeps drifting away and back to where he and Yeosang had left off earlier. Thinking about those soft lips, it's hard not to feel disappointed that he had to leave.

"What's on your mind?" Hongjoong asks as he returns to the table with two beers in his hands, handing one over to Seonghwa who just sulks in his seat.

"Nothing... I'm just tired."

Hongjoong looks like he's just about to say something more when Mingi's voice is heard from across the room.

"Hey, Park! Look who I just met!"

Seonghwa turns to locate where Mingi's loud yelling is coming from, and the person he sees isn't exactly the one he'd prefer to right now.

It's the girl Mingi forced him to go on that stupid double date with. Al though she does look gorgeous in a short blue dress, and with her brown hair curled into soft waves around her face.

"Seonghwa, it's so nice to see you again. I must say I was so disappointed that you had to cancel our second date," she smiles politely as Mingi gestures her to sit down next to Seonghwa.

"Yes I... I apologize for that. I had completely forgotten about this... Assignment that I had to finish..." Seonghwa lies and earns a side-eyeing glare from Hongjoong who obviously knows he is lying, them being in the same class and the fact that Seonghwa never forgets things like that. 

But what can Seonghwa say? That he in reality actually was getting ready, much against his own will, all dressed up and about to leave when Yeosang had knocked on his door. A short moment later he had had Yeosang's hand down his pants while he was struggling to keep focus long enough to send a text to Mingi with a bad excuse for having to cancel their second double-date.

"It's okay. I just hope we can make up for it some other time," Yerin says, brushing her hand against Seonghwa's.

"Why wait when we have tonight?" Mingi cuts in with a huge grin on his face, standing behind them squeezing their shoulders together and looking like a proud mom.

Yerin calls her girl friends over, one of them being the girl Mingi was on the date with which makes him occupied straight away. Seonghwa still feels a bit distracted by other things in his mind, and when Yerin excuses herself to go to the bathroom he yanks out his phone. He isn't even sure why he wants to message Yeosang right now. He just needs to.

And before you ask, it's Seonghwa

I know
Saved your number

What are you doing right now?

About to meet someone from Grindr

Seonghwa hesitates before typing the next message, even few words are suddenly hard to type. He might not be that well-educated on all the gay terms and things, but he knows what Grindr is and what people usually use it for.

Why does he care though? He and Yeosang are in no way exclusive, they are not even in love or anything close to that. He knew all along that Yeosang was still seeing other guys even though they never talked about it. They never talk about much about anything really. But having to face it for real, for the first time, is bothering him way more than he wants it to.

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