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"Oh, a shooting star!" Seonghwa lifts his hand and points out the window, before wrapping his arm tightly around Yeosang again.

"Remember to make a wish," Yeosang mumbles through a small yawn, cuddling in closer against Seonghwa's chest.

It's getting quite late, but neither of them wants to go to bed, risking to miss out on this beautiful moment they are sharing in Yeosang's old room. Seonghwa nuzzles his nose into Yeosang's brown hair, inhaling the scent he loves the most in the whole world. The scent of comfort, happiness. The one that brings out the most beautiful feelings inside of him, like the calming smell of the first summer rain.

Seonghwa briefly closes his eyes while making a wish. A wish for this moment to never end, to never have to spend one single day without Yeosang by his side.

"I'll love you forever," Seonghwa whispers softly, holding Yeosang even tighter in his embrace.

"Forever is a long time," the younger snickers, "you'll probably get tired of me."

"I could never get tired of you, don't say such foolish things."

Speaking these words out loud, not even forever seems long enough for his love for Yeosang. All the fights they have had, all the angry words, the tears, all the doubt and confusion; everything seems so far away when they are sitting together, looking at the stars.

"We should go on a trip someday. Where would you like to go?" Seonghwa asks, already knowing that he would be happy to go anywhere as long as they are together.

"I don't know? I would really like to travel outside of Korea one day. Maybe even move overseas at one point, it's been a dream of mine for a very long time."

Seonghwa nods at the younger's reply, listening closely when Yeosang continues on telling him how he chose his line of studies due to his wish of moving away someday. To get far away from Korea and all the bad memories which had held him back from being able to truly find himself.

Yeosang's voice starts getting a little shaky when he mentions how he'll probably never do it, because that would mean he would leave his father behind. His father who has worked so hard to give him the best life possible despite everything that had happened in their small family.

"Well," Yeosang clears his throat while shuffling around a little in Seonghwa's warm embrace, "first of all I need to graduate and get myself a job. Earn some money and be able to take care of my dad, like he's taken care of me for so long. He worked so hard for my sake, but we both knew it would never be enough for me to go to one of the top universities. But I had to get in, so I worked hard too and eventually got in on a scholarship."

"You're an amazing person, Sangie," Seonghwa says just as he places a kiss in the brown hair. If it was even possible for him to fall even deeper in love, it definitely just happened.

"I'm really not. I've been so horrible to you..." The warmth of Yeosang's body is fading as the younger moves away and sits up to face Seonghwa instead. "I'm sorry."

Although the look in his eyes is so heartbreakingly sad, Seonghwa can't help but smile. The soft glow from the small lamp on the wall is lighting up the younger's face just perfectly, making him look ever so magical. Yeosang tilts his head to the side, his hair falling over his eyes like a beautiful wave of the ocean in the early morning sun.

"Please, stop apologizing. None of that matters anymore," the corners of Seonghwa's lips curl up in an assuring smile as he looks at Yeosang who is still looking at him with those sad eyes.

"I'm just afraid that I will hurt you again. And that I..." Yeosang briefly closes his eyes while taking a deep breath, "... That I'll end up losing you."

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