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"Told you I could make you feel good."

Seonghwa can't deny that Yeosang was right, he did indeed make Seonghwa feel good.

The next morning however, Seonghwa isn't feeling all that great anymore. Instead he feels ashamed of what he has done, feeling like a walking poster of indecency. The shame only gets bigger when he can't get shake the growing desire to go even further with the dark-haired beauty. To feel Yeosang's body under his own, to fuck him – as Yeosang so eloquently had said it that night on the bench.

"Why are you wearing a scarf in this heat?" Yunho questions while glaring at Seonghwa's outfit the following day.

"I-it's just a silk scarf... I-I felt like it would look good with this shirt."

The lie is stupid and obvious, but Seonghwa can't come up with a good excuse. He dumps down onto the chair in the cafeteria, biting his lower lip while trying to ignore the looks his friends are giving him.

"You've always been a horrible liar, Park," Mingi scoffs while leaning across the table.

Everything happens so fast, and Seonghwa doesn't even get a chance to react before Mingi has snatches the paisley printed scarf off of his neck, leaving the secrets he was trying to hide, exposed right in the middle of the cafeteria.

Last night he didn't think much of it when Yeosang had bitten and sucked on his neck, he didn't care that it would leave red, telling marks on his skin. But when he was getting dressed this morning he didn't feel all that good about them anymore. As his friends stare at him, his cheeks start to heat up, and soon they are about the same color as the marks on his neck.

"Bro!" Mingi exclaims, as he slowly sits back down on his chair, scarf in hand. "Who was it? Was it Yerin?"

Seonghwa has already forgotten about the name of the girl he went on the double date with last night, and his confused look gives him away in a second. Mingi glares at him with pursed lips, trying to figure out who possibly have left those marks on his friend's neck.

"Or, maybe it's your mystery woman from the night club?" Hongjoong chimes in with a big smile, being just as curious as Mingi.

"What mystery woman?" Yunho's eyes widen up in surprise. "Why haven't you told me?"

"I-I didn't meet any mystery woman that night, there's nothing to tell!"

At least Seonghwa isn't lying about the woman part of the story. His three friends keep on nagging him, while he does his best to ignore them and just enjoy his lunch. About ten minutes, and a lot of wrong guesses later they finally give up.

"Fine. Don't tell us right now. I'm sure you'll do so eventually," Hongjoong sighs disappointed. "As long as you can promise us that you didn't relapse and hooked up with Tzuyu again!"

And that is one thing that Seonghwa can definitely promise. Although he had spent all Summer feeling depressed about their break-up, he actually hadn't given it much thought since the day he had seen her with Kris. His mind had been occupied with other things lately, and the break-up seems like a distant memory by now.


The last lecture of the day is finally over, and Seonghwa is dragging his exhausted body towards the nearby convenience store to grab some instant noodles. His eyes wander across the large selection of kinds and flavors, all in colorful wrapping which right now just seems more confusing than appealing to his eyes.

"Are you stalking me, Park Seonghwa?" a deep voice suddenly asks behind him, startling him.

Seonghwa turns around, packs of noodles in both hands, and looks straight into Yeosang's eyes. The younger looking so casual yet cool, dressed in ripped skinny jeans and a loose white tee that reveals his collarbones. The mere sight of those makes Seonghwa's heart skip a beat. Suddenly he isn't feeling hungry for any of the stuff in his hands, instead he just wants to sink his teeth into the beautiful, honey glowing skin underneath Yeosang's shirt. Kissing it, biting it and sucking it, leaving red marks all over it like Yeosang had done to him.

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