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The sunlight is peeking in through the curtains when Seonghwa is woken up by a bunch of texts messages rolling in on his phone. He blinks a few times, trying to find focus, but is distracted as soon as he sees Yeosang still sleeping peacefully next to him. He can't help but smile when he looks at that cute face.

Last night they did something entirely new; they just kissed and cuddled until they fell asleep and Yeosang is still hugging Seonghwa's right arm tightly in his. It is also the first time they actually spent the night together.

Carefully Seonghwa reaches over to get his phone to see what the fuzz is about. It's already past 2PM and Yunho is spamming the friends' group chat with messages asking when they are going to meet up to watch the rest of the movies.

"Is something wrong?" Yeosang asks as he starts waking up and notices Seonghwa's frowning face.

Seonghwa peeks at him over the phone and shakes his head, trying to come up with an excuse to bail on the movie marathon pt. 2.

"No it's just... I promised the guys we would finish some movie marathon today, since Hongjoong and I kept falling asleep last night. But I... I don't really want to do it..."

"Why not?"

"I'd rather spent time with you. I-I want to sure that you're okay?" Seonghwa says, still slightly worried about the younger.

"Seonghwa..." Yeosang sits up with a smile. "You should hang out with your friends, you already promised them! And a movie marathon sounds fun!"

"Maybe... You could join?"

"What? With your friends? That'd be so weird though..."

"No, no it's fine. We can just say we've talked a couple of times in the library and... That you also really love Harry Potter!"

"Seonghwa, sweetie... We did anything but talk at the library! But... I do love Harry Potter so..."

That's enough of a yes to Seonghwa who instantly unlocks his phone and texts Yunho back, asking for them to hang out in his room since it's bigger and that he will also bring some other people too. Just as he hits send he side-eyes Yeosang, now realizing what was actually said a few seconds ago.

"Wait. Did you just call me sweetie?"

"That was sarcastically, so don't get used to it!" Yeosang replies straight away and rolls out of bed.

He stretches his back with a loud groan, obviously sore from sleeping two people in a one-person bed, before grabbing his clothes from the floor. But when he turns his face half-way away from Seonghwa, to pull his shirt over his head, Seonghwa swears he sees a little smile on Yeosang's face.


"Always pleased to meet other Potter heads!" Yunho grins excitedly as he walks through the door, wearing his Ravenclaw cape and with a very unhappy Mingi behind him.

The two of them are the last to arrive, and when Seonghwa sees Mingi's attire for the day he understands why; big, round glasses and a lightning drawn on his forehead. Obviously something that has triggered an argument between the two, causing them to be late, but in the end Yunho apparently got his way. He always does.

Hongjoong came twenty minutes ago and is busy talking with Wooyoung and San. Jongho, the bowl-cut guy who Seonghwa has learnt is from Biochemistry, has also joined them and even brought a lot of snacks. And so far he seems friendly enough although his serious face still scares Seonghwa a little.

"I've always been jealous of the size of your room, Park," Mingi says as he finds a pillow to sit on on the floor. "I don't get how single rooms are the same size as mine. I need more space man!"

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