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Seonghwa spins the empty shot glass around with his fingers. It was his fifth shot in a row and probably the worst decision he could've made right now. But he needed it, more than anything. He is sitting alone at the bar, glaring at the table his friends are sitting at in the corner. As he stares at Yeosang and Minho sitting together, anger is blending together with his jealousy and the alcohol intake, which definitely isn't the best combination.

When he finally returns to his friends, he is way too drunk and way too messed up in his mind to think clearly anymore. He even lets Yerin take his hand and intertwine her fingers with his as he sits down next to her. She is really cute, she truly is. Sweet, polite and so pretty. Everything Seonghwa could ever wish for.

But when he looks across the table and sees how Minho is flirting with Yeosang, he knows that the only one he wishes for, the only one he wants, is sitting just across from him with sparkling brown eyes and the sweetest, softest smile in the world.

Only thing is that the smile isn't aimed at Seonghwa right now. And especially not when Yeosang notices how Yerin is holding Seonghwa's hand. The younger's face turns stone cold and the look in his eyes are piercing straight through Seonghwa, hitting him right in the heart.

"Excuse me for one second," Seonghwa mumbles drunkenly, pulling his hand away from Yerin's before heading towards the bathrooms.

Seonghwa stares at himself in the mirror just outside of the toilet booths, cursing at himself in his mind for feeling like this. Angry, jealous, but worst of all unable to anything about it. He supports himself with his hands on the edge of the sink, while his body is swaying from side to side as the numbness from the intoxication is taking over him.

Suddenly the door opens and Yeosang walks in, a slight sigh leaves his lips as he sees Seonghwa.

"What?" Seonghwa glares at the younger through the reflection when he hears the sigh behind him.

"Nothing?" Yeosang just shrugs, "And why are you looking at me like I'm the bad guy here? You're the one who's been acting like an idiot all night."

"I've been acting like an idiot?" Seonghwa turns to look directly at Yeosang. The younger's careless tone and stare is pissing Seonghwa off and causes him to say something he shouldn't.

"You're the one who's acting like an idiot! I didn't plan this night to happen, so why do you keep acting like it's all my fault? I wanted to leave right away but you sure seem to want to stay now, because of Minho? Did you just tell me to go fuck Yerin earlier, because you actually want to fuck that guy? You know what... Hyunjin was right... you are messed up."

"What... what did you just say? When did you talk with him?" Yeosang takes a step back as he speaks, his eyes widening up as he stares at Seonghwa. A look that is almost on the edge of looking terrified spreads across the younger's face.

"I ran into him after you left the other day. He told me how fucked up you are and that I should just stay away from you." At this point Seonghwa can't stop talking anymore, being so furious by now that he doesn't even care. "And you know what? Maybe he was right! Because you are fucking me up, Yeosang! I'm going insane trying to figure you out all the time! And I'm sick of it!"

Seonghwa stares at the Yeosang while his body is trembling from his angry outburst. Being too caught up in his own thoughts and feelings, he doesn't even notice the small tears showing in the corners of Yeosang's eyes.

"Maybe you should just stay away then!" Yeosang snaps back before turning around on his heels and storming out of the bathroom.


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