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Seonghwa's fingers are painting invisible doodles around Yeosang's collarbones and shoulder, feeling how the younger's skin is still warm and sweaty from intensity they had been sharing a few minutes ago. Yeosang's cheeks are red and heated and his breathing is still fairly heavy as he looks deeply into Seonghwa's eyes.

"Your friends are so loud," Yeosang mumbles with a small yawn.

"And that is coming from you? Who is friends with Jung Wooyoung?" Seonghwa chuckles, and Yeosang frowns but can't argue with that. Despite Wooyoung being super cool and funny, he is also most likely the loudest person Seonghwa has ever met in his entire life.

The way Yeosang suddenly has become so soft and gentle around him, is definitely something Seonghwa could get used to. Like when Yeosang lets his index finger run over Seonghwa's lower lip, while looking him in the eyes and a little smile breaks free on the younger's face. If time would only stand still right in this beautiful moment, Seonghwa would be happy forever.

"So... Mingi kept mentioning a Yerin?" Yeosang whispers and lowers his eyes. "Was that... Your date?"

Seonghwa nods slowly, almost feeling ashamed to admit it. Yeosang nods back at him but doesn't say anything else. Something in his behavior intrigues Seonghwa, as it almost seems like Yeosang is... Jealous? But such an assumption is too dangerous to speak out loud and Seonghwa is still feeling like he, to a certain degree, has to walk on eggshells when it comes to talking about feelings with the younger.

Another question pops up in his head, and as a rather awkward silence starts to show itself, he feels like he can at least ask this one without scaring Yeosang away. Hopefully.

"Yeosang... Can I ask you something?"

"Sure...?" Yeosang's eyes find their way to Seonghwa's again, and looks at him with a cute, wondering look.

"How come you texted me and not Wooyoung last night? I mean... I'm glad you chose me, but you guys have been friends for so long, so I was just wondering?"

Yeosang's facial expression changes within a second, even the look in his eyes as well. Like a dark shadow lays down upon him, while he hesitates for a couple of seconds before answering.

"I... don't know... Wooyoung was hanging out with San but... You were still the first person I thought of, so..."

Although Yeosang's voice is somehow nervous when he confesses, Seonghwa feels happy by hearing it. But Yeosang is not done confessing surprising things just yet.

"I'm sorry for just leaving the other day, and ignoring you... I... just needed some time to figure things out. And I realized that I... actually think about you, a lot," Yeosang cringes at his own words and tries to hide under the duvet, but Seonghwa pulls it away with a smile. The pinkish color that starts to show on Yeosang's cheeks only causes the smile to grow even bigger.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that? Could you repeat, please?" Seonghwa teases him.

"You heard me the first time!" an adorable whine comes from the younger who is now blushing all over his face.

Seonghwa can't stop smiling and a lovely, warm feeling spreads in his body. Yeosang rolls his eyes at him, but he can't hide how embarrassed he is when he tries to play it off with failed attempts of looking cool. Seonghwa guesses that it won't hurt if he confesses too then, and maybe it will make Yeosang feel better too.

"I think a lot of you too." Although Seonghwa had felt rather confident a second ago, he suddenly feels shy as well. "You are so amazing and... So beautiful."

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