8⋆Beautiful ⋆ [M]

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Candle light dinner, a beautiful girl in a beautiful dress, amazing food and expensive wines. Everything about this evening should be more than enough for Seonghwa to feel good, but he doesn't. The girl in front of him bores him to death, and he struggles to keep his best fake smile on when she very obviously flirts with him.

Mingi, who is sitting next to him might as well switch seats and sit opposite of him instead, because that is how their situations are unfolding. Completely opposite. Mingi and his date are practically already doing it right on the table and Seonghwa cringes at the sight of them, while trying to avoid too much physical contact, with the otherwise very attractive girl he has been forced to go on this double date with.

When she slides her hand across the table to touch his, he almost flinches back in his seat earning a side-eye from Mingi. Yes, Seonghwa's behavior during the seemingly endless dinner is rather peculiar, and even though he really tries to enjoy the date, he just can't.

The girl is indeed beautiful; any man would be lucky to even get a date with someone like her. But Seonghwa isn't feeling attracted to her in the slightest, he doesn't feel the explosion of passion he had hoped for nor does he wants to actually get to know her at all.

Seonghwa's thoughts are drifting their own way, and all he can think of is how he has already seen something so beautiful that nothing else might ever compare.


Yeosang is beautiful; the way he gazes at the stars is beautiful and the way he looks into Seonghwa's eyes the second before their lips meet are nothing less than breathtaking. Seonghwa feels intrigued by him, he wants to know him, but most importantly he wants to kiss him again. His own lips have been feeling so lost since their last kiss and the thought of it has almost had him going insane.


"We should do this again!" Mingi couldn't possibly sound anymore excited or ecstatic, when the four of them are standing outside the restaurant. Seonghwa on the other hand is once again gazing off in his own thoughts. He had tried to kill time with several glasses of wine throughout the evening. The intoxication almost made the night bearable, but only almost.

"I'd love to do this again, if you do?" the girl Seonghwa had unwillingly agreed to meet smiles at him.

"I'm actually very busy these days..."

"He'd love to! We'll text you, okay? Set up a new date soon?" Mingi cuts in, elbowing Seonghwa while giving him a glare of disapproval. Not wanting to cause a scene, Seonghwa just stays quiet. He'll figure out how to get out of that one at another time.


Mingi does nothing but nag Seonghwa on their way home, eager to get another date set up as soon as possible. Something that Seonghwa couldn't care any less about. With his hands in his pockets he just walks quietly next to his taller friend, letting him do all the talking which he also does the best anyway. A headache is sneaking up on him from all the wine, and his steps aren't very coordinated at this point. The sky is darkening above them and when Seonghwa looks up he can't help but smile, as he remembers the way Yeosang's eyes sparkle when he is looking at the same sky.

Stumbling through the door to his dorm room, Seonghwa yanks his phone out from his pocket. He feels impatient by his own lack of control over his body, typing his password on the phone wrong several times due to his shaking fingers.

He shouldn't do this, he really shouldn't, but maybe it's the only way to get his mind off of things. Off of Yeosang. He needs to do this, just one time, just to try it. Logging onto the school's intranet also takes a few tries with his mistyping fingers, but he eventually gets on. Luckily it doesn't take him long to find the contact information he needs. Kang Yeosang. Shutting his brain off, Seonghwa types in the number and the first text message.

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