24⋆Infection [M]

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Hyunjin's words have infested Seonghwa's mind, spreading doubt and confusion into every single thought he has. But he doesn't know how to ask Yeosang if it's true or not. The size of this unwanted question is bigger than anything else, and it only grows as days go by. Trying to ignore it only makes it stronger, and although Seonghwa at first didn't want to believe a single word that came out of that jealous mouth, he can't run from it anymore.

The things Hyunjin had told him were so insane and out of this world, and it pains Seonghwa that he apparently had the smallest doubt about Yeosang, for this vile virus to take root in his mind. He doesn't want to believe it, he really doesn't. It's like taken out of a bad movie, a very, very bad movie, but why can't he stop thinking about it.

It's obvious that Hyunjin wants them to break up, to stay apart. But making up a lie of this size would be too crazy to even work out. And for this exact reason Seonghwa just can't let it go.

Yeosang quickly notices how Seonghwa suddenly is feeling distant but whenever he asks about it, Seonghwa tells him it's nothing to worry about, and he's just nervous about telling his friends about their relationship.

If only it was only that. He never got around to tell them that night, but the fear of having to tell his friends that he is now dating a guy has shrunken into practically nothing, compared to the other things that are weighing on his mind. Hyunjin's voice keeps echoing in his mind, leaving him no rest.

'Oh. I think you'd want to know this.'

As the words run through Seonghwa's head for the millionth time, he pinches his eyes together while aggressively rubbing his temples.

"Are you okay?" Yeosang's voice breaks through Seonghwa's thoughts, and he looks over his shoulder with at tired smile aimed at the younger sitting on the bed.

Yeosang tilts his head to the side, looking with wondering eyes from the fortress of papers and books he has made around himself. Exam period has begun, giving Seonghwa yet another excuse for his strange behavior.

"I'm fine, baby," Seonghwa replies with a half-way forced smile, "this text is just so heavy..."

Of course he still loves Yeosang, more than anything, but the one question that he doesn't dare to ask keeps burning in his throat. And when Yeosang softly smiles back at him, before returning to the book in his hands, it feels like a sting in Seonghwa's heart.

While watching Yeosang getting focused on his studying again, Seonghwa does let go of a sincere smile. Yeosang runs his fingers through his brown hair, only for it to fall down over his eyes again and he makes an annoyed move with his head as it happens. His oversized shirt is hanging down over his shoulders, exposing just enough skin for Seonghwa to forget his dark thoughts for a short minute.

"Actually..." Seonghwa closes his laptop shut before getting up from his chair. "There's something on my mind."

"Okay, what?" Yeosang briefly looks up, papers in hand and definitely not ready for Seonghwa's next move.


Seonghwa cups Yeosang's face as he stands at the bedside, pulling the younger into an instantly deep kiss. Seonghwa practically shoves his tongue into the other's mouth, causing a small, surprised sound to come from Yeosang. But it's not stopping Seonghwa from getting what he wants right now; his beautiful boyfriend. To feel him, to be reminded just how lovely he is. To forget those harrowing words in his mind, let them drown in desire instead.

"Seonghwa... I... I need to finish this page," Yeosang mumbles between their kisses.


Wet kisses are placed all the way down Yeosang's neck before moving down his chest as well, and when his shirt is being pulled over his head he doesn't complain. Seonghwa slowly slips ins hand in between Yeosang's legs, moving it upwards with his fingers stroking in deep circles. Yeosang lets go of a delightful hum that turns into a deeper moan the second Seonghwa starts palming him between the legs.

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