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The uncomfortable silence has soon built itself up, like a thick wall between them, and Seonghwa has no clue how to break through it. After what feels like an eternity, Yeosang is the first of the two to speak.

"Untie me," he says in a tone that sends shivers down Seonghwa's spine.

The reaction coming from the younger is making Seonghwa feel even more terrified than before. His own body, which had felt like it was about to overheat just moments ago, is now feeling just as cold as the stare Yeosang is giving him.

"Untie me," Yeosang repeats. This time pushing his tied hands towards Seonghwa who snaps out of his trance and unties him with his own shaking hands, while avoiding eye contact at all cost.

As soon as he is freed, Yeosang rolls out of the bed to get dressed right away, while Seonghwa can't do anything but helplessly watch him from the bed.

"Why are you suddenly asking me that?" Yeosang mumbles, clearly in distress as he can't even seem to get his shirt on properly. He curses under his breath while fiddling with his jeans.

The question is hard to answer since Seonghwa isn't quite sure why himself. If only he had kept his stupid mouth shut. But Seonghwa has apparently acquired a skill of never being able to shut up when it comes to the younger. Even at times where he definitely should.

"I... I ran into Hyunjin the other day..." Seonghwa admits, well aware that his confession is only going to make everything worse.

"Hyu-..." Yeosang's eyes fire up within a second and his fists clench together while he glares at Seonghwa. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? Well... What did he tell you, exactly?"

"Yeosang... It doesn't matter, okay. I'm sorry for asking you that. I'm really sorry. Can't we just forget about it?"

Seonghwa wraps the wrinkly sheet around his waist and gets out of the bed. When he reaches out for Yeosang his hand grabs nothing but air, as the younger moves away at the same time. A deep sting of pain hits Seonghwa straight in the heart, but he chooses not to try again.

"No. We can't. I can't believe you'd believe anything that guy says."

"I-I never said I believed him..."

"You chose to ask me that, right in the middle of fucking me! If you didn't believe him, you wouldn't have said anything at all."

Seonghwa hates how Yeosang is right. If Seonghwa didn't believe Hyunjin at all, he would never have asked Yeosang about it.

"Yeosang. What is going on? Why are you reacting like this?" Seonghwa asks in despair, his lower lip even trembling while tears are building up in his eyes.

He has to fix this; he just has to. But when Yeosang turns to look at him, Seonghwa goes completely blank. The only thing he wishes he could do, is to turn back time – ten minutes is all he asks for. In this moment he fears that Yeosang might never smile at him ever again.

"Why don't you ask Hyunjin?" Yeosang's harsh tone is like a bullet in Seonghwa's already bleeding heart, and the angry look in the brown eyes makes everything even worse.

Seonghwa wants to reach out for him, hold him, kiss him like he used to. But he can't. Even standing so close, the distance between them has never felt bigger.


The room is silent, too silent, after Yeosang has left. Seonghwa had just let him leave as he reckoned he couldn't stop him anyway. Now, Seonghwa is sitting alone on his bed just staring at the wall. His mind is overflowing but at the same time completely empty. He has never hated himself more than he does right now,

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