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A/N: So... This is the last part. And it is long, just for you guys <3


"What the fuck?" Mingi is the first one to speak, while Yunho and Hongjoong are still sitting in their seats, staring at Seonghwa with a shocked look painted all over their faces.

Seonghwa has stayed silent since the words left his lips. His taller friend remains silent as well after his short outburst, furrowing his eyebrows in distress over the sudden news. The lack of words coming from him is almost terrifying, as Mingi always has something to say.

Seonghwa had asked the guys to meet up for dinner, to tell them about his and Tzuyu's engagement. From their first reactions alone, Seonghwa chooses to keep the part about the pregnancy a secret, just a little longer.

Every sound coming from the people around them in the restaurant seems to fade away, as Seonghwa looks at his friends. Mingi keeps glaring at him while Yunho is opening and closing his mouth repeatedly, but still without saying anything at all.

The two taller guys never got to know about his relationship with Yeosang, but that doesn't make this announcement any less shocking. And Seonghwa is still aware how much they both dislike his now soon-to-be wife.

But the reaction Seonghwa has feared the most, is Hongjoong's, and he doesn't even dare to look his best friend in the eyes right now. Hongjoong's eyes are resting heavily on him, but he still can't face him, afraid that Hongjoong will see straight through the lies that Seonghwa so desperately tries to portray as genuine.

It has taken days for Seonghwa to get anywhere close to accepting what is going to happen with his life. When he finally had the guts to pick up the phone when his parents called yet again, he felt sick to his stomach, cringing at every word they said to him. The paternity test had come back, it was indeed his child. And so, the engagement was settled, and his parents already had their eyes set on the perfect apartment for him and Tzuyu to start their life together in.

Seonghwa had felt like he was watching a bad movie, which just so happened to have someone who looked just like him as the main character. But he didn't feel like it was actually him. It was too surreal, too horrible for him to grasp, and living through every second of it was almost too much for him to handle.

But as the days passed by, he slowly started to give in. There was no use in trying to fight it anyway. He had already lost Yeosang, and nothing in his life made sense anymore.

"Are you for real? Like, seriously?" Mingi then asks, the look in his eyes showing a wish for it all to be a lie – much as Seonghwa himself had been hoping for.

"Yes... It's for real. We are getting married," Seonghwa replies, his voice monotone, lifeless as he forces a smile over his lips.

"I don't... I don't get it... I don't understand..." it quietly comes from Yunho who is nervously looking back and forth between Seonghwa and Mingi, trying to give and receive some support in his disbelief.

"There's nothing much to understand, really. Tzuyu and I are getting married, and we are moving in together. I'm happy, and you should feel happy for me."

Seonghwa has told this lie to himself so many times by now, but he still can't manage to say it with even a fake smile on his lips, and every single word burns in his throat. He stares blankly into pure nothing as he speaks, and while he deep down appreciates his friends' concern for him, it's useless to him in the end.

They finish their dinner together with an uncomfortable vibe lingering around them the entire time. Everyone seems too nervous to speak up about anything at all, which is the first time it has ever happened in their friend group.

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