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Daylight during wintertime is fleeting, and spending all day in auditoriums and the library, Seonghwa feels like he is constantly missing out on ever seeing the sun. It's only during the weekends he has the luxury to enjoy something else than the artificial lights from the fluorescent lamps, which are hanging all over campus.

"What?" Seonghwa asks with a small laugh, when he notices Yeosang looking at him.

"Nothing," the younger hums, turning his face to look out the window again.

The Saturday sunlight is shining through the window, lighting up Yeosang's face as he sits on the windowsill looking at the world outside. Seonghwa watches him with a smile before returning to the book he should finish before Monday, although he has been stuck on the same page for hours by now. As soon as he looks down again, he feels Yeosang's eyes on him once more. With a snicker, Seonghwa throws the book on the bed and swings his legs over the bedside.

"Seriously, what is it?" his question comes out as a small whine, while he looks at Yeosang.

"I'm just admiring you, is that a problem?" Yeosang laughs, clearly entertained by Seonghwa's reaction.

"Are you being sarcastic right now?"


"You sound kinda sarcastic though. What is it? Is it my hair?" Seonghwa runs his fingers through his golden hair, only for it to fall back down the exact same way as before.

"You always think I'm being sarcastic; you are missing all the sweet things I say to you," Yeosang mumbles with a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry." Seonghwa rises from the bed and walks towards the window. He wraps his arms around Yeosang before kissing him on the top of his head. "I guess I just need some time getting used to you being like this."

"Like what?"

"All cute and... Cheesy," Seonghwa laughs, holding Yeosang tighter as the younger is trying to break free in protest.

Seonghwa finally lets Yeosang free of the embrace, and the younger looks at him with a dissatisfied glare of being called cheesy. Yeosang's pouty face only causes Seonghwa to burst into laughter while he cups those adorable cheeks with his hands.

"So cute," he coos, nuzzling his nose against Yeosang's.

"Oh, shut up," Yeosang huffs, rolling his eyes.

But he still can't help but smile as Seonghwa continues calling him all kinds of sweet nicknames. And when their lips meet in a warm kiss, the younger has soon pulled Seonghwa into his arms.

Seonghwa runs his fingers through the soft, brown hair and down Yeosang's perfect jawline while enjoying every single second of kissing those amazing lips. It's still hard for him to believe that this is real; Kang Yeosang is his boyfriend. This gorgeous human-being has chosen to give his heart to him, and Seonghwa will do anything to remain worthy of that.

A loud knock on the door is the last thing Seonghwa would've wanted to happen in this moment. And when he breaks the kiss and looks into Yeosang's eyes, he just prays that whoever is on the other side of the door will just go away.

"Park Seonghwa, open the door. It's your parents!" the deep voice of his father's calls out from the other side, followed by another knock.

Seonghwa feels his heart stop when his father's voice runs through his ears, and he stares at Yeosang, terrified.

"Fuck..." Seonghwa throws his head back with a frustrated groan. His parents rarely visit him at campus, so why did they have to come by today...

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 || seongsangWhere stories live. Discover now