22⋆Release [M]

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After the dinner with Hongjoong, Seonghwa feels both relieved and happy as he walks towards his part of the dorm. His mind doesn't seem that burdened anymore, but as he walks determined down the hallway he knows there's one last thing he needs to do.

It is now or never, and even if it fails he will know that he did at least try.

"Oh... It's you," the disappointment in Yeosang's voice when he opens the door hits Seonghwa like a knife right in the heart.

"I'm sorry, were you expecting someone else?" Seonghwa huffs almost ready to leave again right away.

Yeosang just rolls his eyes at Seonghwa's words before turning around and walking into his room, leaving the door open. Seonghwa hesitates for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and following him.

"Why are you here?"

"I came to apologize," Seonghwa starts off, "for all the things I said to you when I was drunk and angry. I-I didn't mean any of that. You don't fuck me up and I... I feel horrible when you're not there. I'm sorry. Yeosang..."

"Okay," Yeosang simply replies, crossing his arms in front of him.

"Okay? Is that all you have to say?" Seonghwa glares at the younger, suddenly not feeling that good about his decision about coming here tonight.

"Pretty much, yeah..."

Seonghwa sighs, running his fingers through his hair as frustration is starting to build up inside of him. When Yeosang just stays quiet, leaning his back against the wall with his arms still crossed in front of him and a look on his face that shows he couldn't care less about Seonghwa's words, Seonghwa curses himself in his mind for having fallen in love with such an idiot.

"You know what? There's one thing I said that night that I won't apologize for!" Seonghwa grumbles, "I'm sick and tired of trying to figure you out! And yes, that is truly driving me insane!"

"Why don't you just leave me alone then? Huh? If I'm such a fucking burden to you, why can't you just fuck off and leave me the hell alone?" Yeosang growls at Seonghwa, taking a step towards him.

"God, Yeosang! You're such a fucking idiot!" Seonghwa takes a step forward as well, placing his hands on Yeosang's chest before pushing him roughly back against the wall.

"Fuck you, Seonghwa!" As Yeosang raises his hands to push back Seonghwa quickly grabs them and pins them over Yeosang's head. He stares deeply into the younger's dark eyes just before attacking those beautiful, pink lips with his own.

Yeosang kisses him back immediately, leaving no doubt that he wants it just as much as Seonghwa does. But Yeosang doesn't seem as submissive as he used to. Instead he fights Seonghwa for dominance. His kisses are wild and aggressive, and when he is released from the grip around his wrists, the two of them practically end up fighting over who gets to undress who first.

"What did you say?" Seonghwa mumbles against Yeosang's neck, kissing and biting it hungrily while his hands are exploring the body he has missed so much.

"Fuck... Y-you..." Yeosang gasps as Seonghwa moves his one hand down to dance over the fabric of the younger's pants, making sure to get a good feel of the hardening erection that is happening underneath the black chinos.

"Stop trying to fight me, and get down on your knees!" Seonghwa whispers huskily, tangling his fingers into the dark hair. With a rough tug he drags Yeosang down to sit on the floor, and with his free hand he has soon opened up his own jeans and let them drop to the floor as well.

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