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Seonghwa pokes the food on his plate with the fork in his hand, pursing his lips together while the choking silence is taking over the room. It's Christmas, and he has returned to his parents' home for the Holidays. Not that he wants to be there at all; the ever so awkward atmosphere is still sticking around after what happened between his parents years ago.

"So," his father's deep voice finally breaks the silence, "how did you do on your exams? Still top of the class?"

"Yes, of course," Seonghwa mutters. Despite everything that had happened recently, he still managed to pass the winter exam with the perfect score he always does.

"As expected," his father nods before returning to look at his food again.

"How is Tzuyu doing?" Seonghwa's mother suddenly asks, fiddling with the pearls around her neck.

"I-I don't know? We broke up in the summer, remember?"

"Oh, I remember. But I assume you've tried to fix it? It would be a shame to let a girl like her go, Seonghwa."

His mother's eyes are reproachfully glaring at him under her long lashes. Her dark hair is tied into a tight bun on the back of her head, making her look even more strict and cold than she already is. It's not like she ever really cared about Tzuyu, she just wants Seonghwa to find a girl from a good family and marry her almost as soon as possible. His father is just the same. And Seonghwa hates it.

"Sorry, mom, but we are not getting back together," he responds through gritted teeth, shivers running down his back as he remembers the fear which had struck him the morning he woke up next to his ex-girlfriend.

His mother just sighs, rolling her eyes before looking away again, and Seonghwa prays that this particular issue has been discussed enough. But it is far from done.

"Your mother is right," his father says, "she was good for you. You should know better than to mess up a relationship with someone like her."

Seonghwa bites his lip, trying his best not to scream out in frustration. His parents rarely agree on anything, but of course they have to agree on this one. He clenches his fists under the table, while wishing he could just disappear.

And as the tense Christmas dinner goes on, his wish just grows even bigger. His parents keep nagging him about Tzuyu, about his studies and the expectations that he should never dare to forget about. Seonghwa has never felt more trapped within himself, helpless and small.

As soon as the dinner is done, he excuses himself to the bathroom where he just sits on the floor for several minutes, staring at the wall. This is the place he has been sitting an endless amount of times before; whenever his father was furious with his grades, when his parents were having a fight, when he felt so alone and just wanted to break free from this controlled life.

But tonight, maybe he can. Or at least he can try. He finds his phone from his pocket and scrolls through the contacts.

"Hey, it's Seonghwa. Sorry to disturb you on Christmas Eve, but I have a favor to ask you."


An hour later Seonghwa finds himself in a part of Seoul he has never been to before. He is freezing from the cold and the snow is silently falling from the sky, covering the city in its white, fragile winter blanket. But while walking up the stairs in the apartment building, he soon feels his body heat up by excitement and anticipation. With a nervous hand he knocks on the door in front of him, heart beating faster while he waits for someone to answer.

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 || seongsangWhere stories live. Discover now