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When Yeosang finally shows outside Seonghwa's door, Seonghwa suddenly feels nervous and unsure of what to say. Somehow he fears that a single wrong word will scare the younger away. Yeosang quietly walks around the room while looking at Seonghwa now and then, waiting for him to speak up.

"So... What did you mean when you said that?"

"I'm just afraid you won't be able to handle it," Yeosang says with a quick shrug, casually flipping through the pages of one of Seonghwa's books - like their conversation is completely normal.

"You don't think I can handle sex?"

"Sex? Probably. Sex with a guy? Most likely not. Sex with me? Not at all."

Seonghwa sits down on his bed, glaring at the younger while finding the right words to say. Yeosang sure doesn't seem to think too highly of him when it comes to the bedroom stuff, and it infuriates Seonghwa who restlessly taps his fingers against his thighs.

He might not have slept with a bunch of people, only one to be exact, but they were in fact in a relationship together for almost three years so some stuff had been happening under the sheets. Were they the craziest, kinkiest things in the world? Probably not. But the way Yeosang almost insinuates that Seonghwa is a prude doesn't sit well with him.

"H-how would you know that? You don't know me at all."

"You're right, I don't. It's just the vibe you give out."

"What vibe?"

Come to think about it, Seonghwa realizes that he's never asked another person that many questions about himself, as he has with Yeosang. The younger sure has opened a whole new side of him, one he has never known and just now is getting to know. But Seonghwa feels very intrigued by this side of himself, eager to learn more.

"Well... You just kind of seem more like a missionary-style-with-cuddles-afterwards kind of type."

"I don't see how that is a problem?"

"It's not. If that's what you like. But that's not what you are going to get with me. Have you ever even tried anal?"

Although Seonghwa should be used to the way Yeosang says such things so easily, he still feels flustered every time. Yeosang tilts his head to the left while looking at Seonghwa, waiting for an answer. But Seonghwa feels too lost in the brown eyes that are staring at him, and stunned by the words that left those perfect, rosy lips, to be able to say anything at all.

"Didn't think so," Yeosang smirks, as Seonghwa doesn't reply. "Seonghwa, listen... I don't usually go after straight guys, nor do I usually spend this much time on the same person before moving on. But I do think you are sexy as hell. I'm just starting to think that maybe it's for the best if we just stop whatever this was."

"I-I can't believe that we are practically sitting here, negotiating about sex," Seonghwa scoffs, turning his face away from Yeosang's piercing stare, trying to keep calm. "This is stupid. Honestly, I don't even want to do it with you that much, so please stop trying to make me look desperate."

"Really? The way you moaned my name when I sucked your dick said something else."

"Yeosang! You need to stop talking. You need to stop assuming things about me. And make up your mind for God's sake. You keep contradicting your own words to make me look bad, and I hate that!" Seonghwa suddenly snaps, cheeks heating up and heart pounding in his chest.

Yeosang looks surprised at him for a brief moment, before he half-way rolls his eyes while walking towards the bed where Seonghwa is sitting.

"Fine," he then says, "I'll stop assuming things. Right after this. Let us imagine this one thing; we fuck. Then what will happen afterwards? How will you go back to your normal life after that? You already got too much in your own head about us just making out, I won't even try to imagine how much you'll freak out if we actually have sex."

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