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When Autumn is at its peak Seonghwa and Yeosang's relationship is still unlabeled, but the bond between them has never felt stronger. Keeping everything a secret however, is soon becoming harder and harder to do. To Seonghwa at least.

Walking down the streets together, side by side, Seonghwa feels his hand itching by the thought of holding Yeosang's. Meeting up with their friends, just hanging out like bros, having a good time and forcing himself to hide his feelings is starting to kill him inside.

Even small, stupid things like when Wooyoung puts his arm around Yeosang's shoulder, or gives him back-hugs, while Yeosang can't stop making cringing faces, is making Seonghwa feel a bit jealous too. He knows it is way beyond irrational to feel jealous of Wooyoung and Yeosang's friendship, but he just can't help it.

Sometimes he fears that his feelings for Yeosang is turning into an obsession; he just can't stop thinking about him, looking at him, or wanting to be near him all the time. But perhaps it's just the result of having to keep all his feelings hidden inside that is starting to mess him up?

He and Yeosang never talk about their feelings, nor do they get anyway near the conversation on what they actually mean to each other and it's starting to weigh heavily on Seonghwa's mind.

And one day where he and Yeosang has met up for shopping new clothes for the Autumn weather, another worry suddenly shows up.

"Autumn is really the best season, fashion-wise," Yeosang mumbles while looking through some sweaters in the first store they step into. His eyes are focused as he studies the design of the various items in front of him.

Seonghwa nods while looking at some knits himself. Now and then he looks over at Yeosang, thinking how he will look amazing in anything he puts on. But he quickly notices how Yeosang keeps putting everything he looks at back, as soon as he looks the price tags.

"You don't like any of those? The second one would look really great on you," Seonghwa questions.

"Nah I... I don't know..." Yeosang quietly mumbles while suddenly avoiding eye contact.

"Yeosang? Is something wrong?"

"Honestly... I... This place is a bit out of my price range..." The confession causes Yeosang's cheeks to turn slightly pink and he sends Seonghwa a quick embarrassed look.

"I'll get it for you," Seonghwa offers instantly, only wanting to make Yeosang happy.

"No! Please... Don't do that. I'd feel so bad if you did!" Yeosang then says, looking almost scared at Seonghwa.

Seonghwa simply nods and immediately feels bad about his offer as he sees the look on Yeosang's face. When he thinks about it, he has never heard Yeosang talk about his family or anything. Seonghwa had just assumed that Yeosang came from a privileged household like himself, being a SKY student and all. Now he feels like an idiot, having told Yeosang not to assume things so many times, when he is doing it himself too.

As they walk around the store their hands gently brush against each other and Seonghwa smiles to himself by the touch, having to fight every urge in his body to just grab the younger's hand and hold it tightly in his own. His heart skips a beat when he peeks at Yeosang and sees the younger fights to hold a smile back.

But suddenly the soft look on Yeosang's face drastically changes, as if he's seen a ghost or something. Seonghwa looks around in confusion, trying to figure out what he has seen or what is going on.

"Oh, shit..." Yeosang mumbles distressed and promptly turns around.

Before Seonghwa even gets the chance to ask what is happening, he sees a guy with light-brown hair coming towards them. The guy has a cute but still handsome face and he looks pretty harmless. But the way Yeosang is reacting tells Seonghwa that something is off.

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