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Silence. Completely, drowning, horrifying silence. The last part describing the entire scenario perfectly; horrifying. Seonghwa stares at his ex-girlfriend while time seems to be standing still around them. His body is numb, and he is afraid to even breathe. If only this was just a bad dream, a horrible nightmare, which he will wake up from at any given moment.

But it isn't. It's the reality, and as tears of fear are starting to build in his eyes, he knows that he has to speak up.

"A-are you sure?" Seonghwa swallows the lump that has been growing in his throat. He knows his question might be insensitive, but he prays that the answer is nothing less than a simple "no".


He closes his eyes at her reply, a million knives piercing through his heart as the word runs through his ears. This can't be happening. Not to him, not now that he is finally happy. With someone else.

"So... W-what are y-you..." he whispers, eyes still pinched together as he wishes to disappear into the darkness.

"I'm going to keep it. And... I already told your parents. They were thrilled, but they want us to get married as soon as possible, of course. Can't have a child outside of wedlock, right?"

Though her voice remains soft, the words are tearing Seonghwa apart and his sadness is replaced with instant rage.

"Why... Why would you do that? Why would you tell them before you told me?" he practically growls as he opens his eyes again.

"Because I was scared of your reaction! I had to make sure that I had support behind me when I had to tell you... I know you're freaking out but... Think about it, do you want our child to grow up without a father? Do you know how horrible that would be?" Tzuyu takes a step back when she sees the anger on Seonghwa's face.

"Wouldn't it be better than having a father who despises its mother?" Seonghwa mumbles, thinking back on the failed marriage between his own parents.

The look on Tzuyu's face quickly turns from hurt to rather angry as well. She glares at him while a frown is starting to show. Seonghwa didn't mean that he despises her, not yet at least. But he definitely isn't feel any good feelings towards her in this given moment. At the same time, he hates himself more than anything. How could he let this happen? How could he be so careless and mess up like this?

"Seonghwa, sweetie, don't say things you don't mean. This is a big shock, I get that. I'll give you time to calm down. But when I come back, please start thinking more rationally. You need to man up and do the right thing. I didn't get pregnant all by myself, you know. You were part of it and you should at least take your part of the responsibility. I'll let your parents know that you've heard the news and of course accepted the fact that we are going to be a family!" Tzuyu reaches out and gently strokes his cheek, but the feeling of her touch is burning against his skin.

As soon as she has left, Seonghwa slams the door shut before falling to his knees on the floor. A scream gets stuck in his throat as his body is so over-whelmed by every feeling that is trying to burst out. He wants to cry, to scream and to punch something – all at the same time. But he remains collapsed on the floor, unable to do anything at all.

He can't hear anything but his own heartbeat while his breathing is out of control, leaving his chest hurting when the tears finally get to run free.


The following days Seonghwa excuses his absence from seeing his friends and even Yeosang, with being busy studying in his room. But in reality he has just been staring at the wall, with an endless river of tears streaming down his cheeks.

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 || seongsangWhere stories live. Discover now