The Gang

688 31 16


I slowly fluttered opened my eyes. Jasper had just slammed her lunch tray on the table. I looked at her, lifting my eyebrows with a fearful expression. She looked back at me, furrowing her eyebrows and spoke slowly, "GET... AWAY... FROM MY TABLE!!". My whole body shook as she spoke. This is her table?! I was sweating profusely. I quickly got up with my tray and tried to walk past them, "ahhugh,"

I tripped over something. My chest landed directly on my food. Everyone laughed at me. I looked to my left, Peridot had her foot out, laughing her ass off. That bitch tripped me. I quickly got up; my shirt had a huge stain on it. I hung my head low, walking fast. I threw my food away and ran to the bathroom, holding back my tears.

I ran into the bathroom and exhaled with relief; the bathroom was empty. Thank God. I walked in front of the mirror above the sink. The stain was plastered all over the shirt, possibly ruining it for good. I leaned on the sink looking down, in defeat. This day is horrible. What did I do to deserve this?! I don't even talk to anybody!! ITS LITERALLY THE FIRST DAY!!. I teared up, looking at myself in the mirror. Sadness turned into anger. My breathing grew heavier, and my grip tightened on the sink. I furrowed my eyebrows, lifted my fist, and punched the mirror in front of me. The mirror broke into pieces and fell in the sink and onto the floor. I looked at my hand, it was shaking, and my knuckles were bleeding.

The blood ran down the palm of my hand. I touched the blood and with my other hand examining it, and hissed at the pain. Realizing what I had done, I balled my fist, digging my nails into my hand and sat down. It hurt, but I didn't care. I held my knees and cried.

I felt alone, and I wanted to talk to amethyst about what happened. I pulled out my phone but stopped when I heard footsteps coming towards the restroom. I looked at the broken mirror. Dammit, I don't want to get in trouble. I jumped up and looked around quickly for a place to hide. There were only three stalls in the bathroom; I ran in the last stall at the end and locked the door. I know this is a bad idea, but I don't know where else t- "Hey, blue-haired girl!" JASPER, oh no.

"Where are you, you little bitch," jasper taunted. "I don't wanna hurt you. I just wanna teach you A LESSON," she yelled as she kicked the first stall door open. I was sitting on top of the toilet, and my heart was beating rapidly, I covered my mouth, holding my breath, trembling in fear. BANG, she knocked down the middle stall with a disappointed grunt. I'm in the last stall, scared for my life.

The room went silent for a hot minute; all you could hear was the dripping of a poorly screwed pipe. Maybe jasper gave up, I removed my hand from my mouth and exhaled with relief.

BANG, the stall door flew open, and my eyes grew wide in shock while jasper was towering over my trembling body. Oh shit. She picked me up by my shirt and threw me out the stall and onto the wall. I fell on my knees and looked up at her. She walked closer to me. I flattened myself on the wall in fear, and I covered my face with my arms. She stopped in front of me and picked me up again. I looked away from her. Peridot was snickering at my misery with a stupid smirk.

Jasper punched me in my face and threw me on the ground, "Maybe I've been too generous with you runts," jasper said as she kicked me in my stomach. "Sitting at MY table, It's like none of you have any respect anymore," she had this devilish grin on her face. That's just a stupid excuse. You just want to hurt me.

She kicked and stomped on me again, over and over till I could barely breathe. I was shaking and holding myself, hoping this would end.

"Hey peridot, I wonder what she'll think we'll do to her" jasper snickered and looked at peridot. Peridot still had a smirk on her face staring down at me. Jasper hoisted me over her shoulder. I was too weak to fight back.

From what it looked like, they were taking me to the back of the school. None of the teachers said anything as Jasper walked by holding me, they just gave me a sympathetic look and sighed, stepping back in their classrooms, and locking their doors.

Jasper took me out through double doors; we were out the school and into an alleyway nearby. It was a tight spot between two bricked buildings. There was a rusty fence that stretched from one building to the other. A dumpster sat on one side of the alleyway. It was next to a door that led into one of the buildings. Jasper dropped me by the fence. The fence dug into my back, and I groaned at the pain.

Leaning against the brick wall stood garnet and pearl smoking a blunt. Jasper stood there proudly, Peridot by her side. Pearl and garnet put out their blunt's and walked over, towering over me. I look at them wearily. They both had a grin on their face. Garnet picked up cords from on top of the dumpster and handed some to pearl.

They kneeled and tried to tie me up. I fought back with all of my strength, pushing their heads and hands away, but I was too weak, and they successfully tied my hands behind my back and my feet together.

I struggled a bit, trying to get out, but I just ended up wearing myself out. I sat there looking down in defeat, breathing heavily.

They began to go through my pockets. I opened my mouth to protest, but nothing came out. I was so weak. I began to cry softly. I looked down. My bangs were covering my eyes to ensure they didn't see me cry. I hate this... I hate my life.

They took out my wallet and searched for my debit card and took out a white paper. "What is this?!" Pearl said, holding the paper to my face, forcing me to look up. I lifted one of my eyebrows in confusion. Garnet then took the paper and examined it. "It says "hey sweetheart, I borrowed your card to get a drink, hope you don't mind" with a winky face at the end," Garnet said. She then crumbled the piece of paper and dropped it. The paper landed near my tied up feet, and I stared at it. Why would my mom take my card without asking?

Someone punched me in the face. I looked up and saw garnet with a bloody first and a stern expression. "What is this bullshit," she said, through her gritted teeth. The whole group was towering over me. I wearily looked up at them.

They all started beating me. They kicked and punched me multiple times. Jasper loved kicking me the stomach and Peridot kept hitting me in the face, giving me a black eye. What did I do to deserve this?! all I did was accidentally sit at their lunch table!!. I sobbed, and Peridot just laughed, "maybe next time if you bring some money, you wouldn't get beat up" Peridot snickered.

I had bruises all over, and my nose was bleeding, tears flowing down my face. I was ready to die at the moment. Jasper had her fist up, about to punch me again until someone grabbed her and arm and punched her in the face. I looked up, staring at this unfamiliar large woman with pink hair. I could barely see, so I didn't know exactly who it was, but I was relieved to be saved.

Third Person:

Rose, the leader of their gang, punched Jasper in the face. Jasper stepped back, rubbing her cheek in awe. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Rose said, with a stern expression. Rose then turned to look at everyone else, and they looked away, avoiding her gaze.

She turned back to jasper and held her by her shirt, "WHY ARE NOT MAKING ME ANY MONEY!!," she yelled. "W-well I-" Jasper studdered. "There's no excuse, STOP WASTING TIME AND GO START SELLING!!," Rose said angerly. "We just wanted to play around a bit. W-we were gonna take her money" Peridot added, nervously pointing at the beat-up girl. "Gonna?" Rose said, putting Jasper down and walking to Peridot. "W-well she didn't have any money on her, m-ma'am," Peridot looked down.

Rose furrowed her eyebrows and lifted little peridot by her throat. Peridot struggle in her grasp, wailing her legs around. "you know what that sounds like?! A WASTE OF TIME!!" she spat. Rose then threw Peridot towards the wall. Peridot fell on her knees, panting, in awe of what just happened. Rose then looked out the ally way when she heard something, "Oh no." Everyone looked around puzzled.

Oof, spicy plot development and character development

(1561 words)

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