The boss

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"Wha?! Why!?" She got off the bed. "Because if I were to be with you, you'd be the second leader of this gang, and I don't want you apart of any of this." I got up. "Why does your gang run your life?!" She put on her leather gloves. "Because I'm a very important person." I groaned.

"What about all that kissing and how you feel." she sighed. "Lapis, of course, I want to be with you, and I want to do all those things, but I can't call you mine. Not until I leave this place." She was about to walk out the door before I grabbed her wrist. "Why can't we go now?" She yanked her hand away. "Even if I want to go, this place is still my parent's legacy, and I want to keep it alive. The only person who's truly capable of running this place is rose."

She walked out into the hallway, and I followed. "Where are we going?" She stopped and turned around. "I'm going to get her back. you are staying here!" I furrowed my eyebrows, "That's not fair!" She pushed me back into the room. "Stay put! You're lucky even to be here." I huffed and crossed my arms. "Can I at least get a kiss before you go? Friends with benefits kiss, right?" She grumbled and pecked me.
Peridots POV

Stupid Lazuli! She doesn't understand! I hopped on the bike and headed east. As I arrived, I waited by the gate. A woman came and escorted me through the building. We arrived at a door leading to an office of some sort. It was silent.

At the creak of an old chair, my sister turned to look at me. She put her feet up on the desk and gestured me to sit down. I took a seat in the chair in front of her. " It's nice for you to visit little sis." I growled "I'm here for rose lets just talk this out." she shook her head. "I'll give her back if you join my gang. Think about all the power we'll have!" Not this again.

"For the thousandth time, NO!" she shrugged. "I guess I'll kill her." She picked up her phone and I shot up. "N-no! Please!" She lowered her phone. "Why is that you can't just give in! You're holding on to mom and dad, but they're just holding you back!" I scoffed. "They were holding me back, so I took them out."

"Not just for me but for both of us." I sat down and glared at her. "Just give it a chance Peridot." She put her feet down and leaned on the table. How can she just talk about our parent's death like that!! "You know, they loved you! But you could never see that" She stared at me blankly. "They kicked me out when I was just a kid! They never loved me."

I got up, "GIVE ME ROSE BACK!" She only stared. "Or what?" I leaned closer to her. "Or ill fucking kill you!" She stood up. She was taller than me, which was a bit intimidating, but I kept my composure. She laughed, pushed her chair away.

"So here's the thing. The whole threatening people bit, the intimidation. I've been there, and I just don't care anymore." She slammed her hand on the desk, and I backed up a bit. "Some people have a bad day. I had a bad life. If I want something, it's taken from me. If I win a fight, I lose the war." She walked around the table and stood in front of me. "Threats only work on someone who has something to lose. But me?" She stepped closer. Fear struck through me and I felt weak. "I've already lost it all." She smiled. "And you can't be any good at this because you just let yourself get distracted." The last thing I saw was her shitty smile before everything went black.

I got that scene from she-ra. It's a show on Netflix.
It's a short chap, but there will be more don't worry
(688 words)

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