Bossed Up

394 14 13

Peridot has been gone for days, and I'm starting to freak out. I didn't wanna leave the room without her cause I was too scared someone might do something to me. I was stuck in this room alone, surviving on snacks in Peridots mini-fridge. She told me to stay put, and I'm trying, but this is taking too long. Peridot, please come back.

I laid on the bed and curled into a ball. Thoughts of peridot raced my head. Her smile and her smooth skin. Her stubborn, dorky self. I miss you so much. I put my hand next to me, where Peri slept. I picked up her pillow and held it close. Something cold was pressing against my stomach.

I looked down at the pillow and saw something stick out. I reached in the pillowcase and pulled out a frame. It was pretty old, and the glass was cracked.

In the photo, there was little peridot. She seemed a lot younger, and next to her are what I assume are her parents. Her mom looks a lot like her with freckles and short hair. Her dad was tall and had short black hair, which is surprising cause their all blonde.

Peridot looked so happy and cute. She was smiling, and I could see she was missing a tooth. It's crazy for a child to go through all of that. Next to peridot is her sister. She had the gang jacket on, but she had this dead expression. It's like she was going through some teen angst phase. She didn't even look towards the camera.

They seemed like a happy family. It's so depressing to thinking about what happened. I noticed a paper in the top right corner of the frame. Curiosity got the best of me, and I opened it. Peridot won't mind, right? I found a small, folded up note. No turning back now. I slowly opened it.
Dear Peri, the platypus

I'll be gone for a while but don't forget about me. I'll always be there for you. I promise I'll work everything out and we'll be a family again. Just wait a little bit, okay?

From your favorite sister
I folded it up and put everything back. So I guess they weren't always on bad terms. Maybe she killed her parents to get her sister back. But that's a dumb reason to kill your own family. Maybe this runs deeper than I thought.

I heard whispers outside the door and occasional footsteps. The whispers got louder, and I decided to see what was going on. I cracked the door opened a peaked out.

There were tons of gang members running into a room. Once the hallway was clear, I stepped out and walked to the door. I peered in and saw so many gang members all talking. They all seem to be in a panic. I head a girl say, "What are we gonna do?!" The girl next to her said, "We need Peridot back!" Peridot?!? Is she okay?? If she's not okay, then why isn't nobody doing anything!

Without thinking, I stepped into the room. "Wheres peridot!!" Everyone turned and looked at me. They all furrowed their eyebrows. A buff boy came up to me. "Who are you!" My legs grew weary, and it was hard to stand. He was tall and intimidating, and I started to shake. "I'm um... Peridots... girlfriend," I lied, but I was terrified. Hopefully, this title will protect me.

Everyone looked at me, wide-eyed. The boy got on his knees and took my hand. "Please help us, boss! We don't know what to do!". So this is what Peridot meant. A girl in the back spoke, "She's been kidnapped by the east side." I gasped and balled my fist. I boost of anger and confidence surged through me. I stood up on a table and stared down at all of them.

"GET READY BECAUSE WERE GOING TO GET PERIDOT BACK!" They all cheered. "GET ALL OF YOUR WEAPONS AND PREPARE FOR A GANG WAR." they threw there hands in the air, and their cheering echoed through the building.

I stepped down, and garnet came up to me. She handed me one of their gang jackets, but it was different from all of theirs. This one had metal studs. I smiled and took it from her. Everyone chanted and cheered as I put on the leather jacket.

I'm pacing back in forth in peridots room. What did I get myself into! I can't run a gang! I heard a knock at my door. "Come in." Garnet opened the door and walked in with a clipboard. "Lapis, right? Do you want me to cancel all drug deals for the next week to get ready for the war? We could always keep the kids selling in schools and just take the adult into the fight. But we have enough money to cancel production for a few days. It's up to you." I ran up to her.

"I can't do this!!" She sighed and set the clipboard down. "Look, I know this is unfamiliar, but if peridot chose you to lead by her side, then she trusts that your strong enough to carry this burden. Its gonna be okay. Don't let peridot down, alright? I believe in you." With that, she left the room. But peridot didn't want to be with me... She doesn't think I'm strong enough to handle this.

I balled my fist."I'm gonna prove her wrong!" I got up and put my jacket on, and stormed out the room. I kept a determined look and walked up to a random gang member. They stepped back a bit and did some weird salute. "Show me all the weapons we have!" They nodded and started walking, and I followed. People kept staring, and some did the same weird salute.

They would cross their arms over their chest and connect their hands. It was weird, but I shook away the thought.

Wow, lapis bossed up... See what I did there
I owe Cyy116 $5
(1009 Words)

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