I Need Time

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The next day

I'm sitting on the bus next to amethyst. She was laid back looking out the window, and I was looking out the front of the bus.

After a while of silence, I turned my head to face her. "Guess what amethyst" I smiled, excited to tell her about Peridot. She turned her hair to me with a confused expression, "what?" I put my hand on my chest dramatically. "I made friends with Peridot." she laughed hysterically, "You?! The kid that's too scared to sit at lunch alone made friends with a fierce drug dealer!?!" tears formed in her eyes as she kept laughing.

I started at her and blushed with embarrassment. I furrowed my eyebrows and lowered my hand to grip the seat."I-i can make friends with anyone" she looked at me with a skeptical expression. "Then make friends with that kid," she pointed to the girl next to me.

The girl was slightly bigger than me. She had big pink hair and looked similar to that big lady before. The girl had piercings on her lip and eyebrow, and she was texting on her phone.

I timidly tapped her shoulder. She turned to me with an annoyed look. I was trembling in my seat, afraid that she would throw me out the window or something. I opened my mouth trying to speak, but nothing came out, and we just stared at each other awkwardly. Amethyst was behind me chuckling.

The girl's expression change from annoyed to concerned. "Are you okay? Your face is all red." she pointed towards me. I froze, amethyst laughter grew louder. "I uhm.. Nevermind, " I quickly averted my gaze and looked back at the front of the bus. I was flustered, and amethyst was dying with laughter.

Amethyst looked at me and whipped her tears away. " It's okay blue. You just aren't that confident." I looked back at her, " but I actually DID make friends with Peridot." she lifted an eyebrow, puzzled."Why would you do that?" I sighed and faced forward, "what I did to jasper hurt her so... I wanted to be her friend and maybe help her." She scoffed "nothing like a good friendship to fix all her problems," she said sarcastically.

She turned, looking out the window.  I looked at her, concerned. She's been so sad recently."Are you okay, Amy?" She turned to me with a fake smile, "it doesn't matter." I scooted closer to her. She looked down. "If you don't want to talk, that's fine, but I know something is bothering you but just know that I'm here" I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me, and I gave her a reassuring smile. She looked at my hand then back at me. She blushed and looked down. Well, that was weird.

I moved my hand off of her shoulder as the bus pulled up to the school. I got up and waited for amethyst. She got her stuff and quickly got off the bus and ran into the school. I ran after her "amethyst wait." She stopped in the middle of the hall and turned to me. "Amethyst what's wrong?" I rested my hands on my knees, panting.

"look I just need some time alone," Her eyes were glossy, and she seemed like she could break down any second. She looked away. "Okay," I said. She looked up, and I smiled at her, "If you need time then, you can have all the time in the world." she smiled back at me "I'm sorry for running" I straightened myself "it's okay... Purple," she giggled "purple?!".

I blushed and turned my head and scratched my neck " I was trying a new nickname." She laughed a bit "well it clearly didn't work," she continued to laugh and walked away. Before turning the corner, she turned to me and held up the peace sign. I smiled at her as she disappeared.


3rd period came around, and I laid my head on the desk. All-day I thought about all the things that could be bothering amethyst, but I couldn't think of anything. She'd been so sad recently, but I didn't say anything. I'm such a lousy friend. Amethyst has always been goofy. This is the first time in years that she's sad.

I picked my head up and cleared my mind. Today we had a math test, but I knew I was gonna ace it, so I didn't care to study or even acknowledge the test.

The whole class was silent. Once I got the test, I scoffed at how easy it was. After only five minutes, I finished my test. I got up about to turn it in until my phone vibrated. I sat back down and pulled my phone out on my side when the teacher wasn't looking. It was an unknown number.

I unlocked the phone and read the text.

(714)658-7484: This is Peridot... Please help.

I raised my eyebrow and looked over at peridot. She was staring at me with an angry expression. Why is she always mad? I took my phone out and quickly took a picture of my test and sent it to peridot. I got up and turned my test in and sat back down.

I watched as peridot copy the answers with glee in her eyes and a smirk on her face. I couldn't help but smile at the adorable smile she had. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks. I shook my head, trying to stop it.

My phone vibrated again, and I took it.

(714)658-7484: Thank you😒

I looked at the text and laughed through my nose. She was trying not to be sincere, but I know she appreciates it. I texted her back.

Lapis: you're welcome😉

I stared at her waiting for a reaction. She was staring at her phone, groaning a bit. I laughed to myself and put my head down, admiring the blond. She glanced at me and looked away blushing. I smirked. She's trying to act tough for some reason. Cute.

I took my phone out and saved Peridots number as "Angry Green Donut." I smirked at the stupid name and sat back in my seat and waited till class ended.

I lEft mY piZzA iN tHe OvEn. tHaT BiTcH bUrNt aSf
(1059 words)

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