Amethyst Is Back!!

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(Two weeks later because why not)

Peridot is still stressed over Jasper. She's been trying to find a way to get Jasper out. She says the security system is tight, so she's been trying to figure out a way to bypass the system. I sometimes pull her from her work to have fun so that she won't be overwhelmed.

I learned that Peridot is extremely smart, and she loves to laugh. Everything she does, she does it with purpose, and she doesn't stop until she meets her goal. She's an incredible person, and I love that I can be her friend.
It was Monday, and I was walking home from my bus stop. I stared at my feet, humming as I walked. When I came across my house, I looked and saw amethyst. I smiled stupidly and ran over to her "AMETHYST!!!" Just as I was about to hug her, she put her hand out in front of my signaling for me to stop.

"I got something to say." I tiled my head. "I had an issue that I thought if I could take some time for myself, maybe ill get over it. But it only made it worse." She was looking away from me. "Lapis... I-... I like you." Her face was red, and she was balling her fist on the verge of tears. I'm confused. Why would she like me? I'm not anyone special.

"U-uhm," I scratched the back of my neck nervously. "This is the only way I thought I could get over you... If I confess..." she paused. "Just let me know how you feel... If you wanna try this." she scratched her arm. "Okay.."

"I'm gonna go," and with that, she walked back to her house. Fuck... Why me, though? I walked into the house and flopped in my bed with a loud groan. Amethyst?! Likes me?! That's what's been bothering her?!!! But I'm not even that cute!!!

I don't even know how I feel about her. Do I like amethyst? She cares for me and is a great person. She cute and funny; anybody would be lucky to have her. But I don't know. WHY ARE FEELINGS SO HARD!??

Is dating her even a good idea? DINGDINGDINGDING. The doorbell was going off, and I groaned and got up. I made my way to the door and opened it. There stood peridot with tears in her eyes. "I failed her... She hates me." I tiled my head, and she ran into my arms. "Peridot, what are you talking about?" I closed the door and hugged her back. "Jasper said I was useless and broke up with me."

She sobbed in my arms quietly. "lets talk in my room." we made our way upstairs and sat on the edge of my bed. "What happened" she leaned her head on my shoulder. "I-i tried, but that place is tight in security, and I tried to get jasper to understand, but she wouldn't." tears started to pour out her eyes.

"I'm sure she still loves you, she's probably just stressed from being in there so long." She wiped her tears "Jasper never loved me... And I never loved her" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked down at her on my shoulder. "I convinced myself to believe it was love, but I know the only reason I'm with her is that she protects me. And she never thought of me as a genuine girlfriend... I'm a toy to her." I sat there in awe. Their whole relationship is sitting on top of a lie.

There's too much shit going on in my life. Why do I have to deal with other people's problems? I sighed. It's probably because I care too much.

I laid back on my bed. The sudden movement startled Peridot. She turned to look at me, her eyes were bloodshot, and tears were still running down her face. If you don't love her, then why are you still crying? I kept my comments to myself. I patted next to me, signaling her to lay beside me.

She slowly laid her head down on my chest. She was quietly sniffling. I rubbed her back and hummed.

Humming turned into singing.

Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it
Lying upside down
When you finally find it
You'll see how it's faded
The underside is lighter
When you turn it around
Everything stays
Right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays

Peridot looked up at me. Her face was slightly red, but she stopped crying. "Your voice is beautiful" her voice was somewhat scratchy from crying. She smiled at me, and I smiled back.


It was the next day. My mom just got home. I ran and jumped on her. She's not drunk, and this is a rare opportunity for me to be with my mom. "Hi, sweetheart." I hugged her tightly. "I'm tired. I need a drink." She started walking towards the kitchen, "WAIT!" She turned and looked at me like I was crazy. "C-can I talk to you? B-before you drink?" She sat down at the kitchen table, and I sat down after her. Think of something to say "U-uhm" come on Lapis before she gets drunk again.

"What do you do when your best friend confesses to you." OUT OF ALL THE THINGS YOU COULD HAVE SAID. Her eyes grew wide; then, her expression softened into a smirk. "You got a boyfriend, Lapis?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "MOM! You know I'm gay." she chuckled "I'm playing Lapis, but if someone confesses to you, then just be honest with them. I know it may seem hard when they're vulnerable about how they feel, but you should never force yourself to do anything for anyone else at your own expense."

I looked down at the table and thought for a second. How am I supposed, to be honest when I don't even know how I feel. "Mom, I don't know... What do I say?" She smiled, "Youll know when the time comes" She got up and took a bottle into her bedroom. I sighed and went back to my room.

Watch out, here he comes... dOcTer cOcoNuT

(1061 Words)

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