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Another school day. I had to sit behind amethyst on the bus to avoid awkwardness. It was a long boring bus ride, but I made it. All my classes were boring and uneventful, so when lunch came around, I was excited to talk to peridot. I decided that I'm not gonna worry about puppy love and just focus on my friend. She's stressed out, and she needs me.

Once class ended, I headed to lunch, Peridot only a few feet ahead of me. I smiled and walked faster until I was beside her. She groaned and put her hand in her jacket pockets. She didn't look at me or even glanced. I'm a bit confused but ignored it.

We sat down at our table and ate silently. I want to say something. "uhm.. Peridot." She stopped eating and just stared at her food. "Are you okay?" her hand balled into first, "why do you care." I twirled my fork."Well, you know.. The thing with Jasper..." I glanced at her, and she looked like she was about to explode. "How about you just mind your own goddamn business!!"

I winced at her words. "But Peridot I-" "Just shut up" She got up with her half-empty tray and smashed it in the piled-up trashcan. She walked out of the cafeteria as if she wanted to murder anyone in her sight. I was left there alone with my thoughts. Why Peridot? What did I do? I only wanna help you...

I laid my head on the tabled, pulling at my hair in frustration. I just wish she trusted me. I'm her only friend, so why wouldn't she?! But I guess it takes more than friendship to be open with someone. I sighed. Lunch ended, and I dragged my feet to class.

As always, I'm trapped in my thoughts about none other than Peridot. I just kept thinking about what I could do for her. I also thought a lot about why she pushed me away.

The bell rung, and the class started. We were doing a packet, and I want to get all done in class so I wouldn't have homework. I barely started, but I couldn't focus. Everything reminded me of Peridot. There's was a passage about atoms. Every time I came across the word "protons," I would mistake it for "Peridot." I facepalmed and groaned.

Maybe I just need a drink of water. I raised my hand and asked to go to the water fountain. The teacher said yes, and I walked out the door and into the hall.

It was silent, and I could only hear the sound of my footsteps. I stared down at my feet as I walked. This part of the school was the same place where Peridot killed that guy. As I looked at the ground, I could remember the blood streaks. I shivered a bit but shook my head, trying to forget.

I pressed my hand against the button for the water to come out of the fountain. I quickly removed my hand at the sound of mumbling. I went and poked my head around the corner. Peridot was there with three other girls. It looks like they're messing with her.

"Jaspers not here to here to fight all your battles, is she?" the girls laughed, and Peridot just stood there furious. "c'mon you little gremlin, FIGHT BACK!!" one of the girls shoved peridot against the wall. Peridot seemed unfazed, but for some reason, she's not fighting back. I have to do something. I'm so scared and really don't want to do this, but Peridot isn't doing anything, and they're just gonna keep bothering her.

I timidly stepped out and walked into the hallway. "h-HEY!!" They all turned to me. "Looks like more people came to kick your ass," one of the girls said. "NO, NOBODY IS HURTING HER!!" The girl scoffed, "She hurt a countless amount of people. She deserves this." I stepped closer and feeling more scared with every step.

"Even if she did, beating her isn't gonna solve anything. It'll only create more problems." she glanced at peridot then back at me. "How about your mind your own business." I do NOT want to be told that twice today. I had a boost of confidence and walked up to her. "This is my business." She shoved me, "I said, GO!!" I punched her in the face and sent her flying on her back. The other two girls kneeled beside her shaking her.

She never woke up, and they dragged her out the hallways and around the corner. I hope I didn't kill her or something. "I didn't need your help." I turned to peridot, and she had her arms crossed, looking in the other direction. After what I do, After how much I try, she still pushes me away?!?! I grew furious and clenched my fist.

"PERIDOT HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID!!!" She quickly turned to me, her eyebrows furrowed. "You act like your big and bad, BUT YOU DON'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE, DO YOU?!!!" I said. She trembled at my words, keeping a straight face, "SHUT UP, THAT'S NOT TRUE, IM NOT WEAK!!" I stepped closer to her. "PERIDOT NOBODY PURPOSELY KILLS SOMEONE THEN CRIES ABOUT IT!!!" She stared at me in awe, "YOU DO STUPID SHIT LIKE KILL AND SELL DRUGS JUST TO SEEK VALIDATION FROM BITCHES LIKE JASPER!!" She stepped back, and her eyes became glassy. "PERIDOT THAT'S STUPID!!"

"SHUT UP YOU DON'T KNOW ME" She shoved me and my back hit the lockers. The locks stabbed my back, sending me on my knees. (kinda like stepping on a lego) I groaned. She backed up a bit, "I- I'm sorry" she ran out the back door of the school, and I was left alone.

Lapis figured out who Peridot was... Oof
(973 words)

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