Oh My Gosh

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I opened my locker and sighed before taking my notebook out and heading to my next class. I sat down in my seat, opened my journal, and started to doodle. "What do you think will happen to her" I heard a girl whisper from behind me. "Maybe Peridot will kill her," the girl next her said. "Hey! don't say that." "What? It's not like people didn't die here before?". Peridot? Kill me?... No. I cant-. My heart started to beat rapidly, and my vision got a bit blurry. I'm having an anxiety attack. I speed-walked out of the classroom and walked towards the bathroom, not caring if I'd get in trouble. As my breathing I grew heavier, I bolted towards the nearest bathroom.

I ran into a stall and locked the door. The bell rang signaling that class is starting, not only was I late, I was skipping. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself as my therapist taught me. I was slowly regaining my vision and exhaled with relief and got up about to unlock the door.

Footsteps. I got a feeling that I should stay until they leave, so I sat on the toilet and hugged my knees. After about 30 seconds, I heard more footsteps. "Hi p-dot, you got the good stuff," he asked. WAIT!! WHY IS THERE A BOY IN THE GIRLS BATHROOM AND WHY IS PERIDOT WITH HIM. "Yeah, you got the money?" she deadpanned. I heard paper shuffling for a bit. "THIS IS FAKE!!" she yelled. "GIVE ME THE COKE PERIDOT. I NEED IT!!!" he shouted.

OMG IM IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING DRUG DEAL GONE WRONG!!!. I heard a loud grunt, and something heavy dropped to the ground. I hate myself for this, but curiosity got the best of me. I got on my knees, still on the toilet and slowly leaned down, making sure I don't fall or make a noise. OH MY GOD!! I covered my mouth, stopping myself from gasping. The guy that I assumed, who was talking to peridot was on the ground surrounded by a puddle of blood with a knife in his throat.

"I'm sorry... sniff...im so sorry," peridot whispered. She sighed and dragged the body out. Once I was sure she was gone, I ran out of the stall but stopped Froze when i saw the blood. I stared at the blood streak leading out the restroom in awe. I Slowly stepped over the blood streak holding my mouth, trying not to puke. When I walked out, I saw the trail lead out the back door of the school. I ran in the opposite direction back to my class. She just killed someone. Well, of course, she has Lapis shes in a gang. I witnessed it. If she found out she would probably kill me too!!


I laid in bed. I couldn't stop thinking about what peridot did. I replayed it in my head over and over. The thing that I don't understand is why she cried and said she was sorry. It's like she didn't want to kill him. But she's a gang member, and you would think she would be immune to this. uUgH it just doesn't make sense. WHY, did you cry peridot, WHY WOULD YOU KILL SOMEONE!!!. I got a headache. I'll think about this later. I turned over and drifted off to sleep.


The third period with Peridot, sigh, this is gonna be nerve-racking. I couldn't sleep, I stayed up all night thinking about the death I witness, but I mean, who wouldn't constantly think about an experience like that.

I sat down and looked to my right, at peridot, who was leaning back on her phone. You don't seem like someone who would kill... why Peridot? Why did you do it? I scratched my eyes and laid my head down on the continuing to stare at Peridot. I don't know if I should pretend like I never saw it or just go to the cops again. He threatened her, so it's not like she had no reason. But nobody deserves DEATH!! I blinked slowly. Maybe she just needs a friend.


I sat up almost immediately. Fuck, I fell asleep. "LAZULI GO TO DETENTION NOW!!!" the teacher said. "Yes, ma'-" "HAHAHA HAHAHA," Peridot laughed loudly, and the whole class stared at her chuckling, I stared at her, confused. "WELL IF IT"S SO FUNNY, WHY DONT YOU JOIN HER." the teacher has a stern look like she was ready to kill one of us. "ME? SHE'S THE ONE THAT FELL ASLEEP!!" Peridot huffed.

"THAT'S IT, GO!! BOTH OF YOU!!!" she said, pointing towards the door. I just sat and stared in awe at both of them. "YOU CAN KISS MY ASS WITH THAT BULLSHIT!!" Peridot sat back in her seat and put her feet on the desk. "ooooooooooh" the whole class acted like a bunch of infants. "PERIDOT GO, NOW!!" the teacher's voice echoed through the room, and everyone was silent. Peridot glared at the teacher for a moment then got up and walked out the door. The teacher turned her gaze to me, and I quickly got my stuff and exited the classroom.

Sorry, it's short again.

Spinel still wating in the garden

(863 Words)

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