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The hallway was empty. It was silent except for the sounds of our footsteps. We walked to the basement of the school and into the detention room. A woman was sitting at a table at the corner of the room. She was kind of short but taller than peridot. She was blond and wearing a purple shirt with a donut logo on it.

"Hey, you must be from miss diamonds class." she looked at with a bright smile. She's oddly cheerful for the detention... Teacher?... Staff? I don't know. "Uhm, yeah... miss.." I trailed off. "You can call me Sadie" She smiled softly and gestured to the desk in the room. Peridot sat in the middle, and I sat behind her.

Peridot put her head down, and I was resting on my hand, looking around aimlessly. The detention... Sadie was typing away at her computer. After several silent minutes, She got up, and the sudden movement caught my attention. "I'll be right back. I just have to turn these papers in" she smirked at me and walked out the room.

As soon as her footsteps could no longer be heard, Peridot moved her head up and pulled out her phone. Were not even supposed to have our phones. I put my head down and just stared at the back of her head. I wonder how you would react if I confronted you. Maybe you'd answer all of my questions, or maybe you'll just beat me again. Heh.. you'd probably kick my ass.

"Peridot," I thought out loud. She turned and side-eyed me, "don't talk to me," she turned back around and got back on her phone. "No, wait.. um," "what!" She gritted through her teeth, looking back at me. "I wanted to know.. nevermind." She snickered, "You're probably wondering why I don't just kill you" she got up and glared at me with intense anger in her eyes.

"W-what?!" I looked at her perplexed. "You heard me," She slammed her hands on my desk "You're the reason I-... That they left" She looked at me furrowing her eyebrows. "I-" "Everyone calls you some type of hero but you ruined my life" she looked down, and her hands balled into fists. "Perid-" "YOU GOT MY GIRLFRIEND ARRESTED!!" She was trembling, and a tear fell on her hand.

I got up and wrapped my arms around her neck. "I'm sorry." It was silent except her quiet sniffles. A striking pain went through my stomach, I pulled back and looked at her "I don't want your pity," Peridot punched me again, and I fell on the ground. I held my aching stomach and hissed. "Stay away from me," she went back to her seat and put her head down.

I got up and sat in my seat, laying my head down. My stomach hurt so bad. Damn, she's strong. Why did she hit me? I only wanted to help her. I sighed and heard footsteps. Sadie walked back into the room, holding a folder with the same smile on her face.

She walked up to us and handed us both a piece of paper. "This is the work of your classes. Have them finished before the day ends please" with that, she walked back out the room. I studied the math sheet and smirked. This is easy. I answered every problem carefully and accurately. 

After ten minutes, I finished and laid back in my seat, and closed my eyes,  sighing in relief. I heard grunting and looked up. Peridot was running her hands through her hair, growling at her work.

I timidly tapped her on the back of her cold leather jacket. She quickly turned to me with a furious expression, "What!!" she said. I picked my paper and held it out to her, "Y-you can copy if you want." She looked at me then back at the paper, her expression softened, and she snatched the paper and turned around and started writing. I sat back and smiled, looking at the back of her head.

After about 30 minutes she turned around and handed my paper back to me. I took it, then looked back at her. She looked away blushing "thank you," she quickly turned away and put her head down. That was... adorable. I felt myself blushing and snapped back into reality. UGHHH Lapis don't be gay for a gang member, AND SHE LITERALLY KILLED SOMEONE YESTERDAY.

Okay. I sighed. Maybe I can try being friends with her. "Hey, um... Peridot". She winced at her name. "What," she said calmly. Okay, that's a good start. "Can we-... D-do you wanna study sometime" I got extremely nervous after asking that. I looked down at my hands. Why did I ask that? Shes gonna curse at me and kill me!!! Silence~ "Maybe," she said quietly. "W-wait really!?" I stared at the back of her head, wide-eyed. "I said maybe, don't push it" my body got less tense, and I smiled and got a piece of paper and a pencil from my bookbag. I ripped the paper into a small piece and wrote "Lapis" and my number with a smiley face. I got up and stood next to Peridot.

She still had her head down with her arms drooped above her head on the desk. I slid the paper in her hand gently. I sat back down and looked at the back of her head because... I had nothing else to do. She raised her head and looked at her hand. She side glanced at me, and I could tell she was blushing. I smirked at her, and she quickly looked away.


After a couple of hours, the bell rang, and I handed my worksheet in then rapidly got up and ran out the door. FINALLYYYYY

She went home and watched anime.
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(974 Words) Sorry not sorry

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