Angry Green Donut

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I was packing my things and watched as Peridot left. A smile grew across my face, and I ran and greeted her in the hallway. She gave me an aggravated look, but I just smiled at her. She groaned and walked faster into the cafeteria. I followed closely behind grinning like an idiot. She grabbed a tray and sat down at the table that I sat at when I first got here.

I was a bit timid at first remembering the last time I sat here, but I worked up the courage and sat next to Peridot. She sighed, "what do you want you annoying blueberry." I rested my head on my hand and faced her. "Its lapis... Lapis lazuli and well amethyst is going on a hiatus, so you're my only friend right now." She scoffed "were not friends; we're not even associates."

With my index finger, I gently rubbed the table in circles and looked down. "well, I helped you with a test. Isn't that what friends do" I turned back to her, and she was blushing. She glanced at me and looked away. "I-i don't know what you're talking about." I sighed and strengthened myself, lifting my head off my hand. "Well, then I guess I'll just shout your number out since it wasn't you." I got up pretending to leave. "What?! Wait!!" she pulled my wrist, and I smirked at her. "So I guess we're friends," I said as I sat back down. She looked away and mumbled.

I wanted to ask peridot about that guy she killed, I was too freaked out about it not to ask. "Hey, Peridot there's something I've meant to talk to you about." She turned back to me and tilted her head. "What is it" she stared blankly, and I scratched the back of my neck, avoiding her gaze. "The other day some girls were talking, and they said you were gonna kill me then-" "oh yeah, my bad, they were talking about Jasper and I told them off, and unfortunately your name got put into all that. That's probably the reason why people keep staring at us." People were, in fact, giving us weird looks. "Maybe I should kick your ass to prove them right." She laughed and I gave a nervous chuckle.

I blinked for a second. Did she just... Apologies? "But anyway, what were you gonna say?" I shook my head and looked at her, "what?" I said. She gave me a confused look. "Uhm aren't you gonna continue?"

I blushed a bit "R-right, so uhm, I kinda... Felt terrible... so... I ran to the bathroom and-" "what day was it" she interrupted. "what?" I tilted my head. "what.. Day" she talked with a stern expression. Her cold eyes sent shivers down my spine. "uh... l-last w-week," I lied. Her expression softened, and she sighed. "so what happened in the bathroom?" well I guess that plan failed. "NothingIJustHadAMiniAxietyAttack Nothing to worry about" I laughed nervously. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "I didn't understand anything you just said but okay," I sighed with relief.

Peridot looked at something and stared for a hot minute. I tried to look in her direction, but I didn't see anything that stood out. She got up and look over at me, "I'll be right back. I gotta make a sell." She walked over to the end of the cafeteria and talked to some random kid. They talked for a bit, and she handed him some weird white block and he in return gave her a bunch of cash.

It was about five bricks of hundreds of dollars. I started at the transaction, and my mouth hung as she walked back to the table. "what?" she sat next to me. "you...! How...? All the money!!" I stuttered, and she giggled. "This is what you do when your part of a gang." I sat there with my eyes widened. "What, are you gonna do with all of that money?!" her smile faded. "I don't keep it. It all goes to the head of the gang. Everyone has to reach a certain amount, monthly" I tiled my head and raised an eyebrow, "So you don't get anything?" she sighed. "I get a small portion."

I thought for a minute. "What do you buy with your part?" she smiled. "maybe I'll show you one day." I smiled back at her with a light blush. Her smile turned into a concerned expression. "Why is your face always red?" I shook out of my gaze and blushed darker. "I-i-... You're just really... adorable... peridot." she blushed, and her eyes widened. "Y-you think... I-I have a girlfriend" I quickly put my arms up defensively. "No Nonononon I just think you're cute. I'm not tryna date you."

She sighed, "Okay." she turned back to her food and ate in silence before the bell rung signaling for us to leave. She got up with her stuff and turned to me, "I'll talk to you later," and with that, she left. I sighed. Why does my gayness always ruin things? I mentally shaped myself.

I got my stuff and went to my next class.


Once I got home, I flopped on my soft bed. I hugged my pillow and drifted off to sle- "ZZZZZ!! ZZZZZ!!!" someone just texted me. I groaned and pulled out my phone and unlocked it.

Angry Green Donut: Hey, Uhm, I know we're not the best of friends, but I don't wanna fail so can I come over and get help😒

Lapis: Sure💙 you can come whenever (insert address here)

My mom was gonna be on an overnight work trip, so I was petty much alone for a few days. I chucked my phone across the room and laid across my bed. I smiled as my body melted into the comfort. I slowly drifted to sleep.

"Ding... Ding... DINGDINGDINGDING" the doorbell was going off, and I fell off the bed freaking out a bit. I groaned and sluggishly walked to the door and opened it. Peridot was standing there tapping her foot with an impatient look. I stepped aside to let her in.

She rushed into the house and sat at the dinner table. I slowly sat by her. She swiftly took out a binder and faced it towards me, "how do you do this," she deadpanned. "Is that a question or a command?" I smirked at her. "It'll be a threat if you don't help me," she was serious, more serious than usual, but it's not like I've known her long.

After an hour of teaching her, she got the hang of it and was finishing the work on her own. I admired the blond as she focused on her work. Her eyes were determined, and her pencil gently dragged across the page in neat writing. Peridot is so smart I don't understand how she couldn't get this when it was first taught in class. Do drug dealers even need to study? But I guess since no one is scared of her anymore, she can't get away with A's. But why would that matter to her?

"Uhm Peridot" she turned to look at me. "I-i don't mean to interrupt. I just had a question." she went back to working "what." I fiddled with my hands. "Why do you care to study." She stopped and gently put her pencil down. "what are you talking about?" I got nervous."W-well, since you deal drugs. Why would you care for an education?"

She sighed, " To successfully sell on school grounds, I have to be enrolled to avoid conflict. That's why all the young people in the gang go to schools. If I cant pass then I get kicked out." I thought for a second. "What about the rest of your gang?" She froze and furrowed her eyebrows. "DON-" ZZZZZ ZZZZZ. Peridots phone vibrated. She pulled it out, and her eyes widened. "Jaspers out of jail."

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