Peridots Life

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"Peridot, where are we going?" She only glanced at me. We're on the bus to god knows where. Outside the window, there were familiar streets and houses. I don't know where we're going, but it's somewhere far. The big and bright city came into view. Lights and tall buildings were everywhere.

After a few minutes of waiting, the bus stopped at a small bench. Peridot got up, and I followed. Once I stepped out, we started walking. The sidewalks were cracked. There were abandoned buildings everywhere. At least they looked abandoned.

People were sitting outside, either smoking or completely homeless. As we walked, I got weird stares, and I felt like I didn't belong here. I walked closer to Peridot. "Hey, I don't think we're supposed to be here." she turned around and put her finger on her mouth, signaling for me to be quiet.

After walking for about 15 minutes, Peridot stopped in front of a tall, abandoned building. Despite its poor maintenance, people are still inhabiting it. The was a brick wall surrounding the building, which gave me an uneasy feeling.

There were too tall buff boys standing in front with machine guns. Is this her gang building? I looked at the guards, and they had the same jacket Peridot always wears. Well, no shit, Lapis. Peridot stopped just outside the building and dug around her back for a bit. She pulled out her leather jacket and put it on.

"Stay close and don't talk" She walked in between the boys, and they didn't seem to mind, but when I walked behind her, they gave me death stares. Why is she taking me here? This is horrible. We walked into the building, and people were walking around, all wearing the same leather jacket.

Peridot started walking down the long hallway, and I stayed close behind her. Everyone looked at me weirdly, and I felt like I was gonna die. Being here is making me uncomfortable. Why would she take me here of all places!? We walked up a set of stairs and into another hallway. Peridot walked up to a door and stopped.

She turned to me with a rather sad expression then turned back to the door and opened it. She moved aside to let me in. I peaked in the room and slowly walked in. There was a broken tv with a busted screen and a bed in the far right corner of the room.

The room was dimply lit by a lamp on the dresser. The walls had small cracks and water damage. I looked back at peridot, "Do you live with your gang?" She nodded. I put my hand on the bed. I felt the sharp poke of the springs underneath. This bed is worn out. This whole building is horrible.

"Why did you take me here." I walked to her. "You want to be my girlfriend, but-" She took my hand. "This is all I have to offer. I'm not your typical teenager Lapis. I just wanted you to see that." I looked around. "Peridot, this isn't you. This room doesn't represent who you are." She looked away, but I gently moved her head back to face me. I smiled at her.

She let go of my hand and walked over to her bed. She sat down, and there was a loud creak of springs being crushed. "You know you could always live with me," she shook her head. "Lapis, this is who I am."

"No, it's not!! You are so much more than this!" She furrowed her eyebrows. "HOW WOULD YOU KNOW!!" I stepped back at her volume. "Because I-." I was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

"Ugh, who is it." Garnet quickly opened the door. She glanced at me but focused on Peridot. "The East kidnapped Rose. You're second in command! What do we do!" Second, in command?? What is that? Is she the leader now or something? Peridot jumped up and grabbed leather gloves off her desk that only cover the palm of her hand. "I'll handle it, she headed towards the door but stopped.

"Do you mind coming with me?" I nodded and followed behind her as she left the room. We walked into a basement of some kind. Peridot switch on the lights. The brightness stung my eyes a bit. Once I got well adjusted, I looked around. There were multiple cars and motorcycles.

My mouth hung wide open. Peridot hopped on a motorcycle and handed me a helmet. I studied it then put it on. Peridot leaned down from the bike and fastened it for me. Our faces were close, and I couldn't help but blush. She noticed and sighed. Once she was done, I hopped on the bike behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

She was warm, and this spot was comfortable. She gripped the arms of the bike and Garnet headed towards what looked like a garage door and opened it. Peridot didn't hesitate to charge out the door. My body jolted back, and I nearly fell off the bike. When we hit the road, the wind was attacking me. The helmet was warm, and I could hear myself breath.

I gripped onto Peridot with my life. She probably can't breathe but I don't care. The whole ride was intense for me and I think we were going above the speed limit. After 20 minutes, we made it to another building. It looked similar to Peridot's gang building but a bit taller. "You can let go of me now." I slowly released Peridots waste and we hopped off the bike and waited.

"What are we waiting for?" She shushed me, and I grew aggravated. The female guards pointed their weapons at us. Not once did they avert their death gaze. After a moment, a tall figure was seen walking out of the building. She was skinny and had blond hair and a similar look to peridot.

She walked towards us with a smirk on her face. She bent down to Peridot's height. "Hey little sister," she petted Peridots' hair, and Peridot swatted her hand away. Sister?!! What?!?

Lapis is tan... D-did I forget to mention that... Oops
(1039 Words)

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