My Life Sucks

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Lapis POV:

Sirens are now audible in the distance, and I perked up in hopes I would be saved. "Shit," the mysterious woman said. They all looked at one another, and Garnet had a deadpanned expression. The strange woman was focused, gritting her teeth, ready to start fighting if she had to. The rest had a fearful look.

"let's go; we can't take all of them, leave the girl," the huge woman said. I stared at them as they all hopped the fence. Before they left the woman turned to me and gave me a 'Don't you dare rat us out' look. I trembled when she looked at me.

I watched as they all disappeared around the corner. I turned back to face outside the alleyway. My eyes filled with glee as I saw the police across the street.

I tried to call for their help but I couldn't, they beat me so much that I couldn't even speak. I tried my best to yell but only made small whimpers. I overexerted myself and fell foward on my side, coughing vigorously. I couldn't stop the urge to couch, and my throat hurt like hell. I spit up blood onto the pavement. My head started to hurt. I looked up, trying to yell to get there attention again. Nothing came out, and everything became black.


I woke up and looked at the covers on top of me. I'm in my room. I shot up, resting on my hands, looking around, confused. Was I dreaming? I looked down at my hands and my wrists where bruised. So it wasn't a dream. I slowly got up, but as soon as I did, pain struck through my body. I fell to my knees, holding my stomach, hissing at the pain.

My door flew open, and my mom stood there, furious and drunk. She walked up to me, and I avoided her eyes looking everywhere but her. "Lazuli, what the hell is wrong with you," I glanced at her, she kicked me in my face sending me flying, landing on my back. "The hell is wrong with you, messin' with gangs and shit," she slurred her words pointing at me. My nose bled, and I felt a cut on my chin. I struggled and sat on my hands, trying to ignore the pain. "I- It wasn't my fault, I-." "SHUT UP. I'm disappointed in you. Your entire existence is a disgrace," she interrupted. She walked away and slammed the door shut.

My mom wasn't always aggressive like that. She used to be sweet and caring, the ideal mother when I was younger before my dad died. He passed when I was about eight years old, and my mom coped by drinking and smoking. That usually leads up to her, often yelling at me and hurting me. I used to hide when she got aggressive, but I'm too big for that now, and I try my best to stand my ground but often lose. She overpowers me every time I try to fight back.

Sometimes when shes sober she's actually nice. She gives me hugs and sometimes money to buy snacks. She reminds me its not my fault that she's like this, and she always gave me a reassuring smile — Shes rarely sober though.

I slowly got up and crawled to my bed, groaning from the pain. I laid on the bed and hugged my pillow. I thought deeply about what just happened and kept picturing my mother's angry expression as she yelled at me. I'm such a disappointment. I can't even fight back. I hugged the pillow tighter with my whole body and cried softly. Why me? Everyone else has loving parents and doesn't get beat up in alleyways by a bunch of bitches, so why me? I sighed and wiped my tears away. I pulled out my phone, it was a bit cracked from being thrown. I unlocked my phone, 13 missed calls and 5 five unread messages from amethyst.

Ame: "Hey, I'm waiting by your locker, where are you."

Ame: "Yo, I'm seriously about to leave without you."

Ame: "This isn't like you blue, whatever you're doing, do it faster."

Ame: "Bro, I'm starting to get worried, please, don't make me call the police."

Ame: "I called them. I really hope you're okay."

I smiled, reading her message. Amethyst is the only person who cares about me.

Amythyst and I grew up together. Our parents worked together so we would hang out all the time when we were younger, and we still do. She used to come over all the time before my dad died. When my mom became a raging alcoholic, our families lost contact. I went to school with amethyst all my life, so we stayed friends.

I told her about my mom, and she insisted I talk to someone, but I didn't want my mom to get in trouble, so I kept it a secret from everyone except for her of course, and she respected that. I love amethyst, she was always there for me when everyone left me hanging. She supported me through anything and everything and never left my side. I'm convinced that amethyst is all need my life, she's the one good thing I have. She's the reason I haven't offed myself yet.

I texted her back and said, "Thanks for saving me." I put my phone on the charger, on top of the nightstand next to me. I turned to my side, drifted off to sleep.


My alarm went off rapidly. I sat up and turned it off, rubbing my eyes. My body ached worse than it did yesterday. I stretched and hissed at my aching body. Maybe I shouldn't go to school today. It's not like I'm failing plus my mom won't even care. I laid back down, ready to go back to sleep. BZZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZZ, UGHFrdbhunofg. My phone was going off. I groaned and picked my phone up and answered it without looking at who is, assuming its amethyst wondering why I missed the bus. I put the phone to my ear and stuffed my face into my pillow. "Hello," I said sleepily, muffled into my pillow. "what? I can't hear you," she said, with sleepy tone. I moved the pillow from my face, "HELLOWWWWW," I yelled, irritated because I wanted to sleep. "CHILL DAMN. But are you okay? I was worried sick about you," she sounded worried. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm in pain though, so I'm not coming to school" I replied, sitting up. "So what happened, yesterday?" she asked.

"You don't know? weren't you the one who called the police?" I pondered . "Yeah, but when they told me they found you, they asked me to go home with no explanation" she elaborated.

"well I was jumped by jasper and her gang" I explained. "damnnnn, you okay?" "Yeah, but after they beat me up and attempted to rob me, and then the police showed up, and they ran away," I explained. "oh" Silence...

"Hey, amethyst..." I said quietly. "yeah, Blue?". "I-I'm scared.." I spoke with a shaky tone. "Its gonna be okay," she said reassuringly. "No, it's not, what if they hurt me again," I said a bit louder, sniffling. "well maybe... this time you actually go to the police and report them" she was referring to times my mother had abused me. "B-but then they'll DEFINITELY hurt me," I looked down, my hands were shaking a bit.

"You can go anonymously, ill even go with you; nobody will know it's you," she sounded hopeful."I don't know..." I said, nervously. "come on blue, wouldn't you rather them be put in jail than beating you to death."

"Yeah..." I said quietly. "We can go after I get out of school, meet me there at four sharp," she explained. "okay... I'll see you there."

Freshmen 2019_ aNd i oOp-

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