Life Changing

380 16 7

Peridots POV

All I could hear was a high pitched noise. My head hurt, and I was too scared to turn around. I don't think I could handle seeing my sisters lifless body. I got up and ran into lapis embrace. I couldn't hear anything, and I was so afraid. I looked at her and she mouth 'It's gonna be okay,' I think... I can't hear jack shit. She took my hand, and we headed towards the steps.

I refused to turn around. I didn't want to kill her, but I had no choice. We walked into the stairwell and spotted someone I'd never thought I'd seen before. Jasper.

Lapis and Jasper, we're arguing, but they were speaking too fast I didn't know what they were saying. I heard a little bit, so I guess I'm not entirely deaf, and my hearing is coming back!

Jasper pushed lapis, and lapis got out her knife. I jumped in front of them, "STOP!!" At that moment of silence, the high pitched noise disappeared. I turned to Jasper, "How did you get out?!" Lapis put her knife away. "Your sister let me out. Something about a deal?" I rolled my eyes.

"Who is she? Why is she wearing an elite Jacket?! And didn't we used to bully people like her!!" I looked away. "She and I... Have a complicated relationship" She shook her head. "Peridot, she said you two were dating?!" I glared at lapis, and she gave me a nervous grim. "Can you stop telling people that!" She shrugged

"It worked twice." I pinched my nose and turned back to jasper. "Look, we don't have have time for this!" I headed towards the steps, but jasper jumped in front of me. "Hey, look, I'm sorry about before. I was a jerk, but I really wanna get back together." she grabbed my hand, but I pulled away from her grip. "I don't want anything to do with you." She seemed taken aback and got a bit angry.

Anger turned into rage. She furrowed her eyebrows and balled her fist. "I leave you for one second, and you run off with some random kid?!" I stepped back. She's never been this angry before. "Shes not random, and you broke up with me!! And again, this is not the time for this!!!" She turned and kicked the wall.

The loud stomp echoed through the stairwell. "Since you like HER better than someone whose been there for you, your whole life! I guess I'll just get rid of her!" She pulled out her gun and aimed at lapis. I quickly pulled lapis's head down, and the bullet went through the wall.

I pulled lapis into the hall, and Jasper followed. I picked up a gun leftover from our fight earlier and jasper and I were seconds from killing each other. I had my gun pointed right at her head and the same for her. "Jasper, you don't want to do this." She scoffed. "You clearly do." She glanced into the hallway. I instinctually looked and saw my dead sister.

Emotions flowed, and I felt crushed inside. My heart hurt, and my body felt weak. The smell of blood lingered in the air. I remembered when we kids. When we didn't hate each other. I felt myself tear up, and I lowered the gun. I killed my sister.

A piercing scream ripped through the air. I pulled away from my gaze and saw lapis clinging to her stomach. Her shirt was stained red and Immediately knew what happened.

I ran to her side and put pressure on her wound. "Calmed down and don't move too much." Jasper attempted to pull the trigger again, but her chamber was empty. She tossed the gun and pulled out a knife. I sighed and moved her hands on top of her wound. She was breathing heavily and crying profusely. She'll die if I don't get her out soon.

I got up, and before I reached my gun, she kicked it away. "You wanna have s knife fight? Then let's have a god damn knife fight!" I pulled out my knife, and I was pissed. I'm tired of fighting people. She swung. I ducked under her arm and grabbed her wrist. I kicked her ankle, probably breaking her foot. She fell on the floor and dropped her knife. I swiftly stabbed in her in the stomach.

She whimpered in pain. I twisted the knife and dug deeper into her stomach. She weakly grabbed my wrist, and I looked her dead in the eye. "Don't EVER come near Lapis again." She stared wearily, then closed her eyes. She probably passed out from loss of blood.

I turned back to lapis. She was barely awake and complete drained, and I can tell her body went numb. I picked her up and carried her down the steps and I was greeted by my garnet and rose.

Rose gave me a weak smile, and I smiled back. The building was empty and only filled with my gang. We won territory, which is good, but that doesn't matter to me anymore.
We're back in the building, and everything was fine. Everyone decided to celebrate in the main leader office. I gently laid lapis on my bed. She was bandaged up and was just resting for now. I went out to join the rest of the gang in the other room.

As I walked in, everyone cheered. I couldn't help but smile. Garnet approached me and gave me a fist bump. "Peridot, to be honest, I always thought you were kinda weak, but you really proved yourself out there." My eyes were practically stars. "T-thanks garnet," You know it's true when it's coming from her.

Rose got up on the table and got everyone's attention. "I would like to make a toast to Peridot for taking down the east side leader!!" everyone cheered, and garnet pat me on the back. "Peridot! I think it's time you take back the leadership of your gang." Rose took off her jacket and held it out to me. I looked at it and shook my head. The gang gasps and there were small whispers.

"As much as I love and value this gang, I don't feel like I'm meant for this. Rose, you are the only person who can handle the burden of this gang, so please take care of it." I took off my jacket and handed it to her. She looked down at it then back at me. "You're leaving the gang?" I nodded, "Yes ma'am," and with that, I walked out with a smile on my face.

I walked back into my room and packed my clothes, and cleaned off my desk. I put my guns and knives on my bed. Should I? Probably not. Lapis slowly sat up and stretched, "AHHH!!" I chuckled and sat by her. "You shouldn't stretch with a gun wound like that." She felt her stomach. "I feel a lot better." I pecked her, "Its because you're not bleeding to death." she blushed. "Peridot, I don't want to play around anymore! I wanna be together and being apart of the gang isn't a problem for me! And- " "Okay" She froze and looked at me, dumbfounded.

"I wanna be with you too, Lapis. So save the speech." She grabbed my hand. "S-so were officially together?! Like for real!!" I nodded. A bright smile grew on her face, and she kissed my cheek. "So can I get a leader jacket?! It looked so cool!!" I chuckled. "You would, but you won't need that for where we're going." She tilted her head. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

The end is near!!!
(1289 Words)

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