A Date With Amethyst

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Its been a week since everything happened, and of course, Peridot isn't talking to me. I know I shouldn't have yelled at her, and this is all my fault. But I just wish she let me help her. I grabbed my bookbag out of my locker and sighed.

I was walking out the school, and someone pulled on my bookbag. I stumbled back a bit. I looked to the right and saw amethyst. Oh, right, I didn't give her an answer. "So Uhm... Have you thought about what I said" I sighed. "Amethyst I-" "No, it's fine... I knew this was a bad idea... I'm so stupid" She backed away from me, covering her face with her hands.

"W-wait, it's not like I just-" Tears ran down her face. "I Uhm... L-let's go on a date." Awe fuck what am I getting myself into. "Really?" She wiped her tears. "Yeah, that way... We can see if we're compatible" I'm just making stuff up at this point. I care about Amethyst a lot, but I know I should be honest with her.

I facepalmed internally. "Let's go tomorrow. I'll pick you up." Pick me up?! SHE HAS A CAR?! She winked at me and left. I walked out immediately behind her and saw a beautiful black Dodge Charger Hellcat. My mouth agape and my eyes widened, looking at this massive car. "WAIT AMETHYST YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME HOME!!!!" She chuckled, "Get in."

I got in and felt the seats leather and fabric. My eyes were practically stars. The inside is all black with red lining. It was a widebody, so it was pretty big. "You like it?" I gently touched the dashboard. "YESSSSSS!!!!"

Amethyst started the car, and we pulled away from the school. "So uhm, I was thinking we could go somewhere nice for our date, maybe a nice restaurant." I began to sweat. "Oh, uh. Sure," she smiled. What did you get yourself into Lapis? "Dress nice, okay?" I shivered at her words. They were sweet, but it's not something I expect from Amethyst.

She dropped me off, and I made my way inside my house. I went to my room and opened the closet. I wanna dress nice but not too nice. I'm going to tell her that I don't feel the same tomorrow. I should have done this in the first place. I should do it now! But I'm too scared for that. I need to be honest, just like my mother said.

After an hour of throwing clothes around. I decided on a simple dress shirt and some jeans. Only because I'm broke and can't afford an actual nice shirt, but I made it work.
It's the next day, and school was creeping closer and closer to being over. I was honestly scared. I didn't want to have to hurt Amethyst. But I'm in too deep. All-day, Amethyst sent teasing text like 'be ready for me Princess' and 'I hope you look nice.' I cringed internally reading that.

I wish school could last forever, but the bell rang, and it was time to go home. Amethyst was picking me up at 5, so I have an hour to get mentally prepared.
I laid in my bed with my outfit on starting at the ceiling. I watched as the fan went in circles. I wish I were a fan. Then, I wouldn't have to deal with this shit. I got up and checked my phone. It was 4:58. Maybe she won't show up. Maybe she had second thoughts about me. ZZZZZ ZZZZZZ. I unlocked my phone, and my hope faded.

Amethyst: I'm outside.

I dragged my feet out the door and into the beautiful black car. Amethyst had a huge smile.
"You look beautiful," I gripped the seat. "Thanks." it was silent the way there, but Amethyst didn't seem to mind. She had a smile the whole time. I can't believe I'm about to crush her spirit.

We got our table and sat down. After moments of silence, Amythyst spoke. "Hey, uhm... Thank you for today." She put her hand gently on top of mine. "No problem." I had a nervous laugh at the end. "Lapis, you just make me so happy. I really wanna be with you." I wanted to puke, cry, and laugh all at the same time. "You complete me" She intertwined our fingers on the table.

I sighed and pulled my hand away from her. She looked at me, confused. "Amethyst..." I looked and saw the worry in her eyes. My throat became dry and couldn't speak. Why does this always happen!!! C'mon Lapis, NOT NOW!! I need to tell her the truth. She deserves it. I closed my eyes and exhaled. "Amethyst... You are so amazing, and I really care about you... But... You're my best friend, and I just don't..." I trailed off.

"I know," I opened my eyes. "Part of me knew that you didn't like me back. You just didn't wanna hurt me, right?" I nodded. "I understand, I put to much pressure on you when I got emotional." I got up, "NO! You did nothing wrong. I should have been honest with you from the start," I sat back down. "I'm sorry, Amethyst." She smiled at me, "Its okay blue. I needed this. It's been hard trying to figure out my emotions and what I want. But now, I know." I smiled back at her.

For the rest of the night, we just talked and played around like we always do.
I flopped in my bed. Finally, everything is back to normal. I drifted off to slee- ZZZZ ZZZZZ. WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN? I aggressively grabbed my phone from my pocket and opened it. I stared at the notification in awe.

I kinda rushed the date but we not here for lapis x Amethyst were for Lapidot


no hate to any other ships

(964 Words)

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